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KeyQuest: Prizes are being switched out?

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Is it just me or have the prizes one could obtain from key quest been changing recently? One day I got nothing but neggs, codestones, and 2 paintbrushes, and I figured I've seen most if not all of the available KeyQuest prizes since I play it so much nowadays. Over the next few days, however, I've been seeing prizes I haven't seen before - different books, different foods; only "super icy negg,", "negg" and the codestones stay constant.


Anybody else notice this?


I would guess its because of the new winter theme - like how for Halloween, there were spooky prizes. Are the new ones wintery or christmasy themed?


I got some new winter themed books today. Nice for a change XD. Our pets can get smarter for free XD

Is it just me or have the prizes one could obtain from key quest been changing recently? One day I got nothing but neggs, codestones, and 2 paintbrushes, and I figured I've seen most if not all of the available KeyQuest prizes since I play it so much nowadays. Over the next few days, however, I've been seeing prizes I haven't seen before - different books, different foods; only "super icy negg,", "negg" and the codestones stay constant.


Anybody else notice this?


yep. i got 2 unbuyable lab maps from it and trying to see if i can get 3 more


This is pretty cool! :yes: A lot better than getting the same boring prizes all the time!


i agree - rotating prizes also prevents the prizes from skyrocketing down in price too much :D

I've been hoarding my prizes since day 1 hoping all these rare books and foods and neggs become either retired or just switched out of the key quest game *crosses fingers*

yep. i got 2 unbuyable lab maps from it and trying to see if i can get 3 more


Lucky lucky! I can't even get the game to run consistently from where I am and I have cable internet already. :sad01_anim:

Lucky lucky! I can't even get the game to run consistently from where I am and I have cable internet already. :sad01_anim:


try playing the beta version--i used to have the same exact problem. the game just wouldn't finish loading for me. works fine now tho :)

Lucky lucky! I can't even get the game to run consistently from where I am and I have cable internet already. :sad01_anim:



Might be hardware problem, in that case. It takes so much RAM to run that game. Try to close all running applications and to play in different browser. (It works best for me in Opera, but you could try Firefox and Google Chrome too).


The only good item I have gotten so far since the switch is the Mag codestone :)


I was very chuffed with it, never had one before!


Have you been winning games? You only get the big prizes (pb's, red codestones, etc) if you get gold keys i believe.


And keep in mind that the people who get these big prizes probably play an insane amount everyday, so statistically they (we) are going to end up with more, better prizes compared to casual players.


They are, I just received my 2nd piece of treasure map and finally a cloudy PB!!!! Horray!!!


imnotgeorge, I don't play insane amounts :) I play 10 or so times a day, enough to get me my 10 gold keys for the following day and that's about it!


*does the happy dance*


Finally got a PB!! YAY!


Okay am I doing something wrong? I've never gotten any PBs :(

Nah, don't think you are doing anything wrong, you just have to keep trying!!!


Lol I feel like the game is going to brain wash me one day in my efforts to get one lol


I only do two player so I'm always getting gold and silver keys. I take it that's a good thing if I'm after one? Or does the key rank even matter?


You have to get gold keys for the PB & map pieces :)


So keep at it!


It was really cool when during halloween we got 2 keys instead of one for every game...


it's one thing to get disconnected. the worst thing about key quest is the lack of penalty for quitting. Sometimes you just have one of those uber games where everything's going your way and instead of sticking it out like a trooper (I usually end my games quickly - less than 20 minutes - anyways) they quit =/ I don't even understand why, because by the time they've quit they've already got nearly 2000 np on the line, so they've not only just wasted 15 minutes of their day, they also lost out on an easy 2k, even if they don't like to cash in silver keys (I know I don't).

Might be hardware problem, in that case. It takes so much RAM to run that game. Try to close all running applications and to play in different browser. (It works best for me in Opera, but you could try Firefox and Google Chrome too).


I think it's my biggest problem: it seems my laptop doesn't meet the requirements, so I'm disconnected during the game nearly every time. Browsers don't change anything. And when I can play, it's so laggy that I have problems and mini-games ended before I can give a try.

Today I managed to finish 3 games (yay! lol) but even if I enjoy playing, it's frustating to see the other players flying around the board without any problem or lag and winning everything.

I was able to win some gold keys during first weeks of beta testing, but now it's over and I know I will never receive any PB or lab maps :sad01_anim:


They have added the requirements for Windows and for Mac



Windows XP or Vista

1.5 GHZ or higher processor 2 GB RAM

256 MB Video Card

Internet Explorer 6.0 or above



Mac OS-X version 10.4.11 or higher

Intel Duo Core 2 ghz or higher processor


Firefox 2.0 or above



It works mostly fine with 1GB or RAM on Leopard if I play in Opera. But I was not crazy to think I should upgrade my RAM sometime to get better performances (in general).


And I'm still going to defend people who vanish from games. It's really frustrating when you are the one who's game is closed, so please stop to think they are all quitters.


To stay on topic, my best prize was a Tyrannian PB and I really enjoy the switch of prizes. XD Cute little Snow Usul Plushie!


that's awesome femme_diva! congradulations! :)I actually just started playing key quest, since I didn't think it was interresting at first, but BOY was I wrong!! It's really fun :) the best prize I got today was codestones.. I really want to get a paint brush though.. Alot of people are saying the prizes changed though, so I guess they did :)

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