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Hello everyone :]


My neo-user is howlinghunters, my very first one I created in 2000 was eun2000.... ok i was young then and I my ideas were limited. It also got frozen because I thought "g*y bast**d" was a sailor moon villain name.. but never mind about that.


I've referred to this site's avatar list quite a few times, but I never actually realized they had a forum =w=


So I suppose, I've been playing for 8 years? But not 100% active of course. I stopped when I was around 12-13 and just played occasionally. Now, it's my December holidays and I'm bored... as are all my other friends, and we're all popping by in neopets again. haha.


Oh yes, fun fact.. I live on the other side of the globe. GMT +8 Singapore xD

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haha thank you.


Interestingly, my main aim of earning neopoints is to fund battledome weapons for my pet... though I can't make up my mind and often set my sights very high.


I want to get the Illusen's Staff, is it easier/cheaper to get it via trades with fellow neopians or by doing Illusen's quest itself?

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haha thank you.


Interestingly, my main aim of earning neopoints is to fund battledome weapons for my pet... though I can't make up my mind and often set my sights very high.


I want to get the Illusen's Staff, is it easier/cheaper to get it via trades with fellow neopians or by doing Illusen's quest itself?

It's always better to get your BD equipments via trades.

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HAH HA! New member.... >D


I mean *coughcough*


Hullo, new member named.... *checks list*


Ah... yes. howlinghunters. Welcome. We've been expecting you.


If you will look to your left you will see the rules, and to your right is the snack table. Feel free to take foor BUT NOT YET. :O


Not until I introduce MYSELF. I am Laura, you hostess for .... two more seconds and your resident loony around these here parts and it appears your two seconds are up so I'm not your hostess anymore.



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My name's Stephanie. Try to avoid the loonier people around here, they sometimes get too hyped up.

*glares at post above*






Oh yes, and read the rules. You don't want to get in trouble with the moderators...

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*sniffles* Laura dun like be glared at.



*runs around in circles and then into a wall*


Howlinghunters, do you see how they treat me! It's horrible, isn't it! You'll side with me, right? RIGHT?! :P


XD I r just kidding.


I think I'm off to draw naughty things.... like circles. Such naughty little things they are.

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@Black/Rosy - Ahh.. alright thank you. Now I've just got to scrape up the insane amount of money needed for the staff and I'm all set... but without a freezing item. I still hit myself for buying hypono helm at 20k and then selling it at 80k because it couldn't multi-freeze...


I didn't realize there's no such thing as a 100% multi freezer at that time. v_v;;;;



The above 3 posts amused me... a lot.


thank you everyone, I've read the rules =D

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Welcome to TDN forums. Please make yourself at home XD


Yay I has a fun fact too. I'm French Canadian XD And content director of The Daily Neopets. Interesting, isn't it? XD


Illusen is quite a mean faerie to me... so I wouldn't rely on her quests ever to get her almighty staff.

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:O Singapore! That was my birthplace; I moved to New Zealand when I was 12 :). Welcome to the forums, and make sure to read the rules! *waggles his moderator whacking stick* Just joking, I'm pretty relaxed as long as you learn from any mistakes and make sure to make posts that don't break our rules. ;) Ask me if you need anything! The most common rule-breaks are posts less tahn 7 words, posting in an old and/or dead topic that has not been closed, and posting in the wrong area. Watch for them or they'll sneak up on ya! :O



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