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Calling All Twighlight Fans:


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I have been meaning to start this topic for a long time because I know we have a lot of die hard Twilight fans here on the forum,

and I just want to make sure you all have a chance to discover these absolutely incredible books:

Anita Blake Vampire Hunter, by Laurell K. Hamilton.


I've mentioned them to a few of you already, I know, but if anyone here liked any of the

aforementioned stories I can 100% guarantee you that you will adore these books.


The basic, very basic, plot line is Anita Blake, vampire hunter, and necromancer, lives in a fictional Saint Louis much like our own, save that, not only are things like vampires and shape shifters real, but everyone knows that they're real and they are considered citizens of America, much like normal humans. The novels follow Anita's ongoing conflicts with the supernatural as she attempts to solve a variety of supernatural mysteries, come to terms with her own abilities, and navigate an increasingly complex series of romantic and political relationships.


You can read more about them on the Wikipedia article, but there are spoliers so read with caution.


If your interested in checking them out, you better love, and I mean love, to read because the series is sixteen books long, and it's not ending anytime soon.

Also I strongly, strongly, request that no one younger than fifteen should probably check them out because they are fairly graphic, in all senses of the word.


Basically the main character rocks, I mean how incredibly awesome she is, is just absolutely unreal.

And if you like Edward I guarantee you the men in these novels are going to literally knock your socks off!

I'm quite honestly begging you guys to try these books out because I just know you'll love them, and I would love to discuss them.


Here Is The Series In Order:

1. Guilty Pleasures (1993) ISBN 0-515-13449-X

2. The Laughing Corpse (1994) ISBN 0-425-19200-8

3. Circus of the Damned (1995) ISBN 0-515-13448-1

4. The Lunatic Cafe (1996) ISBN 0-425-20137-6

5. Bloody Bones (1996) ISBN 0-425-20567-3

6. The Killing Dance (1997) ISBN 0-425-20906-7

7. Burnt Offerings (1998) ISBN 0-515-13447-3

8. Blue Moon (1998) ISBN 0-515-13445-7

9. Obsidian Butterfly (2000) ISBN 0-515-13450-3

10. Narcissus in Chains (2001) ISBN 5-558-61270-3

11. Cerulean Sins (2003) ISBN 0-515-13681-6

12. Incubus Dreams (2004) ISBN 0-515-13449-X

13. Micah (2006) ISBN 0-515-14087-2

14. Danse Macabre (2006) ISBN 0-425-20797-8

15. The Harlequin (2007) ISBN 978-0-425-21724-5

16. Blood Noir (2008) ISBN 978-0-425-22219-5

17. Skin Trade (June 2009)


They can be difficult to find, they sell them in the fantasy section at B&N, but they aren't great about keeping them in stock, so I strongly recommend purchasing them on line.

If anyone takes my word for it and reads Guilty Pleasures, I promise you won't be disappointed, PLEASE post about it! I would love to hear what you think...

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One of my friends read that book and wanted me to read it, but I'm not willing to start anything new just yet. xD I honestly think that there are just a bit too many vampire books being promoted because of Twilight. I just went to Books-A-Million today, and half of the teen section was filled with vampire books. :/

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I honestly think that there are just a bit too many vampire books being promoted because of Twilight.

Well as you can see by the dates on the list, Anita Blake out dates Twilight by quite a few years...

I do agree though, there are a lot of Twilight wannabes on the vampire bandwagon, just like magic books after HP.


p.s. And just to emphasize, because I don't want to corrupt anyone, these books are not young adult books...

If you are one of the many middle school age fans of Twilight please hold off on reading these. I really don't recommend them for you just yet.

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I have never read/seen any Twilight anything. Not even commercials. Guess I should go check youtube...


I only have read 10, 11, 12 & 13. I have 14, saving it though since I live outside of the US and it's REALLY expensive to have them shipped here. I ADORE this series, and just reread Incubus. Wow.

I have a book with 4 novellas and the first novella is Hamilton's, but it's all excerpts from Incubus, which I was really bummed about. Wanted something additional. Like an in-between story you see Charlaine Harris or MaryJanice Davidson write, additions to their vamp series. I usually like upbeat or funny books but Hamilton's series is great.


The absolutely BEST self standing vampire book (non-series) that I EVER read was Sunshine, by Robin McKinley.

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Ok.... So I decided to have a look on trademe (Ebay but in NZ) and can find almost every book except for the first couple... BLAH!!! I want to read a few before I go out and buy the whole series.


Are they easy books to get into?? I am not in the mood at the moment for books that are going to make me think... I am in the middle of two series at the moment and also have a few stand alone books that I have to read!

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...I have a book with 4 novellas and the first novella is Hamilton's, but it's all excerpts from Incubus, which I was really bummed about. Wanted something additional....


The absolutely BEST self standing vampire book (non-series) that I EVER read was Sunshine, by Robin McKinley.


If you want additional material there is a book called Micah you may or may not have read yet. It's not "technically" part of the ongoing series.

It's just about Anita and Micah they go out of town alone together, I don't remember exactly why...and of course you could always go back and read

the beginning of the series, which I strongly recommend because Burnt Offerings & The Killing Dance are my two favorite books in the whole series.


Oh and seriously thanks for the tip about Sunshine. I will go purchase it immediately.


I want to read a few before I go out and buy the whole series.


Are they easy books to get into?


They are very easy to get into, in fact they are very easy to become obsessed with! They are very action packed and Hamilton does

a great job of explaining things and reminding you of stuff when necessary, so I don't think there is too much "thinking" involved.


As for not being able to find the first few, like I said Hamilton does a pretty good job of recapping important info, so you could probably get away with not

starting at the beginning. However, there is an important progression in Anita's personality that you miss if you don't see her in the first few books.


And since you have a lot of stuff to read already I would hold off until you can find the first one...your literary plate is very full.

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Yeah, I think you mentioned these to me... I've been meaning to check them out.


But wow, there are quite a lot of books in the series. I would never have the patience to write quite that many books :/

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