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Talking with your guy friend until 1:30 in the morning,

being told that you're "pretty and perfect,"

and never running out of things to say.


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I so desperately want to reply with just "LOL", but that wouldn't be long enough.


Lolcats. They are amazing in the extreme! :D


Programmers who neatly comment their code so you don't have to go on blind bug-hunting excursions.


Finding out your Chemistry teacher knows your name.


Since she's rather detached and refers to everyone by their last names, I didn't think she even knew I existed. :)




I love getting that, having that. Its great to know that most people are respecting each other ^_^


Or maybe I've gotten out of my self consciouness to notice XD

Inside jokes on the internet.



They make you feel like you have something to in common with people, even if you hardly know them.

vanilla bean ice cream..... ;b



Homemade bread. It's amazingly good. And healthy. b;
My mouth would be watering, except that ther's already a lot of it at my house right now.

Window resizing. I just broke it (I do that sort of thing a lot on my computer :P ) and realised how much I use it.


Epic concerts at which you're totally crazy and wild and have the time of your life and someone really cute develops a crush on you. =P And icing fights!!

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