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Iced Chocolate Ratings!


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It's official - your mod LOVES iced chocolate! Too much. So much to the point that every chance he has, he gets his greedy mitts on them. Mmmmmm. I'm getting thirsty just thinking about it! :O


Point is that I've tried SO many now, I came up with an idea to actually rate them! :P. I'll list the shop, cost, area, and full rundown on the drink. Since I live in Wellington, New Zealand, most of them will unfortunately be from there ( :( @ all the American members). I'll list the price in USD as well though! ;p.


So yeah, this is random, but iced chocolate is worth it! I'll edit this post with a link to the post of each review, and post in this topic each time I have a new one...



Wellington, New Zealand

Mc Donalds - Basin Reserve 80%



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Cameron, you just don't have enough to do. :P Too bad we can't have any American reviews on iced chocolate. xD


Who all lives in New Zealand? I know you and m3l3ana do, but I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head. xD

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I've never heard of iced chocolate... they do iced coffee in the summer, but I don't like coffee... eh.
Iced coffee...gross. I also looked it up a bit but I can't find any recipes that are even close to the same, just random combinations of chocolate and other stuff. I guess I'll keep searching until I find an easy one to try to make.
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:O You've just found a fellow iced chocolate lover here Cameron - although I very rarely get a chance to have it.


Edit: And I used to live in New Zealand, but not any more. XD

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First review! Yay! (I forgot the name of the hotel, so axe that one) Each category is worth either 5 or 10 marks, with the more important sections out of 10.

out of

Wellington, New Zealand. Adelaide Road, Basin Reserve Mc DONALDS


Price: NZD$3.90 USD$2.10


Aesthetics: Chocolate syrup runs down the side of the large glass, with syrup-covered cream on top of a light brown drink. Sprinkled with sugar and served with a large spoon. Excellent presentation!


Extras: Almost no other little bits or pieces come with this such as the usual marshmallows or anything like that. This isn't necessarily a bad thing though as it keeps the cost down while still staying yummy.


Topping: A huge amount of fresh whipped cream sits on top, the sugar adding a really nice, sweet taste. It's also lashed with runny chocolate syrup that tastes good as well as adding greatly to the overall heartwarming appearance of far too many calories. For $3.90 the amount of stuff that comes with this is very satisfying.


Size: Should have been impressive, but the ridiculous amount of ice (filling more than half the glass) drops the score. Still a very well-sized beverage, but I wish there was a little less cream and a little more substance to quench your thirst. More please!


Drink: The most important part of the whole thing! Tasty, but a little bland and overpowered by just a little too much syrup. There's also far too much ice in here, making the whole thing dissapear quickly. It needs a little more milk in the mixture; it's very frothy and tastes a bit like whipped chocolate cream. Overall good - but could be better.


Cost: A great price for this much drink, as far as iced chocolates go this one's relatively cheap and delicious. A good score for Maccers.



Overall: 40/50 - 80%


A very good deal for a great drink. I highly reccomend this!



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MMMM! I love iced Chocolate, the bast one I had was when I was in a different state than I live in. I was out with my grandma and we saw Elizabeth the golden age. After we went to this craft shop (both me and grandma are very artistic!) and then we saw this shop called Chocolate or something and we went in and I got iced chocolate EVERYWHERE! It was so nice!

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Hmm... I wouldn't have expected the iced chocolate from a fast food restaurant to get a decent rating. XD Life does have it's pleasant surprises.

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