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Yay, I am doing a lot of research for dad so he can see what it is all about and stuff, if I do get it, it will be for Christmas!


Cool. I asked my partner if I can try it out and he just frowned at me LOL.

At least you can cancel if you don't like it.. but I'm pretty sure there are lots of benefits to not want to cancel haha. I wish I could get it :(


Congrats if you do get it, it should be heaps fun.


Usually, they have a $30 discount on Premium in December, for Christmas... that's what I'm waiting for to get it :P


Yes, you can get Premium no matter where you are ;)


Milli, TDN has a bunch of guides with everything about Premium in them if you haven't read those already.


I wish I have premium but it would probably be a waste of money for me since I'm on and off every now and them. I wish you luck on getting premium for Christmas.


I have an income of about 1000 US$ after taxes, so a full years membership is A LOT of money for me! So I pay the 8$ a month instead. I can manage that in my budget, and it does make me spend more time on Neopets because everything is so easy to do. And I just looooooooooooove the Super Shop Wizard! =)


If any of you are getting it for the first time, do a Premium member a favor and sign up via an invite - if a Premie member invites someone for a 14-day free trial and they become a paying customer after that, the Premie is supposed to get a present. A collectors card, I think. I don't know if you actually get it or not since I've never reffered anyone, but still. Might as well =)


Yep, I already have a referal from TJ (who now has quitted premium, lol). But nobody else can invite me now... so yea. I had premium as a present before, and it was wonderful :).


I have Izzy reffering me, I asked on the guild who had it...

V~ Oh cool, $30 disscount! That means I only have to pay $10 for the year plan (dad will pay $60)!


I've wanted Premium, but because my siblings aren't home, no one will buy it for me. -shrug- Whenever I can get it, then.


Yeah, dad is talking about if I get it I might have to help pay for the internet!!!!!!


Good luck on getting Premium!

I've been wanting it since last year, but since I don't really play Neopets anymore, I don't want it a lot... :/

If I do want it again, I'll just have to get more money since I basically have no money except for 20something dollars. XD


Silly parents wouldn't let me get Premium because they "don't like paying for the internet". -_-

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