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Image search battle

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JB, use this code when posting images. ;)


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Ninjas are better that spies(I'm assuming you posted spy hats)

I cannot figure it out though... how do I post an image?

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Use the code that I posted. Put the URL in between the img tags with the square brackets.



The above image was achieved by typing:



Also, that was a Fedora, probably best known as an Indiana Jones hat. :P

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I keep trying but the computer says, above, when I try to:You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board.

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That's very weird indeed. Try using the picture.png button on the toolbar, that might help.



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Since everybody knows that LD beats MD(No offense) I have no choice but to repost my image(sigh..)http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:jRxgjhKceLqGtM:https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/team_full/lostdesert.gif

That what I've been trying to do, but it won't accept me

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We fish you up!

P.S. How come LD is in first place then? And where's Meridell, 4th? We pwn you!

P.P.S. I wanted to get out of teams, because LD pwns EVERYONE!


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JB, you're talking to experienced AC analysts. :P Teams tend to fluctuate over time, and there are a lot of powerful slow starters rising to challenge LD - many of them have already demonstrated their capacity by actually beating LD, or coming close to it.




Fish this! :evil:

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