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Super Hasee Bounce is now playable on Neopets and will be released in today's news! Check out all of these images related to the game.










it's such a qute game. I like it. though i'm not sure if I like the way you get points. funny all the same =)


Does this mean that the original Hasee Bounce will be removed and buried in the game graveyard?


The original game will very likely be removed to the Game Graveyard, but not immediately. They usually wait a couple days so that people integrate into the new game properly.


It's strange though. Usually remakes are not given a new title. (Even though they just added "Super" to the title.)

But who knows, the old Hasee Bounce is likely to push up daisies soon. :(


*Stands up for keeping the hold Hasee Bounce* I liked it better...




I've just played it, and I think I'm going to revise my opinion. Because of the almost complete difference between the two games, I think that both versions will stay in the Games Room. This may be like Potato Counter and Extreme Potato Counter, not numbers, because they're the same concept, but different in gameplay.


P.S. I completely hate the new version.


just played the game...


and i have to agree....not as good as the old version...


also the new game is listed as a neopia central game...yet it is set in meridell....interesting...


i found the game quite hard to control....but that may be that i'm no good at playing action games on a laptop...


thanx TDN for letting us know about the new game....even if it isn't the best


I like the old one and the new one. I hope they keep both of them!


I love this game! *looks around to make sure there is no angry mob*

I have a computer game that is simaler and I have always loved it and now it's on neopets! yay happy! :woot:

thank you TDN for telling me or else I would have never noticed. You are allways least likely to find me in the games room ;)


Well I suck at both the old Hasee Bounce and Super Hasee Bounce... but they're both pretty fun! XD


Yay new game from hasee bounce!! I really like this game, its hard at first but after you get the hang of it it becomes easy...


I don't like it. Way too little control over what happens. And too little points.


But then again, I don't like the original either =p


From what I've experienced they do not. :(


That's what I was thinking too.


I've just come up with another question (I'm playing the game right now).

What do the black balloons do? I hit them a most times nothing happens.


Edit: I've found out the balloons do NOT give you any points


Edit Again: And what do the balloons with the bullseyes do?


Gosh, this game is kind of kiddish. I don't think it deserves to have "Hasee Bounce" in the name at all. Hopefully they keep Hasee Bounce up or I'm going to throw rotten eggs at somebody.


And the Bullseye balloons seem to let you break the stone ledges in the game. Handy.


Hmm....I seem to be better at super hasee bounce than the regular one.

I don't really notice the points coming in, I just focus on finishing the levels :P


Overall, I think the balloons are just there for colour and effect.


Yeah but in the instructions TNT says that black balloons have negative effects, but most times when I hit one, nothing happens. Occasionally, the Hasee gets dizzy or unconscious or whatever, but not all the time.

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