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Trick or Treat!

Izzy ♥

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Ok, I realized that I still had one more bag down at the bottom of my inventory. Inside:


Spirulina and Laver Candy

Dented Can of Neocola


Then I saw that I was awarded 50 NC. I'm from Canada, so it's not just the people from the U.S. who get it.


I think the free 50NC is to get you to go to the neomall. I went and I got a free goodie bag there too. It also said something about finding 3 of them there by today! So go have a look In the first goodie bag, I got a spooky shake and a Tarragon Achyfi Lollypop. So cool. Now I am going to go find the other two. Will let you know when I do!! b)


Yeah, that's a different hunt all together. You'll only find those other 2 in the neocash mall.


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Hmm, I haven't had any luck, or bad luck at that. I just got my bags, but nothing good in them :(. I saved one in my SDB for selling later, but I wanna buy a few more bags and test my luck. Happy Halloween everyone, and thank you sooo much for posting the locations. This is my first time actually Trick or Treating on NPs xD.\



I looked all over the neocash mall and could not find the other two. Has anybody else found all three bags there?? confused.gif


Yes! I got a Cobweb Banner (Neocash item) ^^

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Howdy fellow Neopets lovers - woweee this is my first post EVER on TDNForums ^_^

I LOVE Halloween and I got:

Spirulina and Laver Candy

Assorted Pumpkin Mixed Candy

Spooky Yoyo

Deserted Carnival Bed [[haha love this one it's funny]]

Candy Corn Classic

Eyeball Slurpy

Ghost Pancakes

Questionable Bag of Stale Crisps

Peanut Butter Spiders [[x2]]

Halloween Aisha Balloon

....and I still haven't opened the last two goodie bags yet, but I have got my 50NC.


My brother got a Butterfly Mask and gave it to me as a Halloween present though and it was worth 80,000NP when I checked. YAY!! :laughingsmiley:


Thank you so much for putting the locations on your page TDN as I would NEVER have been able to do it otherwise...I wouldn't even have known about them o_O

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I looked all over the neocash mall and could not find the other two. Has anybody else found all three bags there?? :S

You pretty much have to keep refreshing, I think they're all found on the same page. So keep trying. I thought you only had till the 31st to get them, but if you've already got one I suppose you've got till November starts?



Speaking of which. If anyone wants to trade for a coffin of spooks.. lol. No good prizes for me tonight.

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I think the free 50NC is to get you to go to the neomall. I went and I got a free goodie bag there too. It also said something about finding 3 of them there by today! So go have a look In the first goodie bag, I got a spooky shake and a Tarragon Achyfi Lollypop. So cool. Now I am going to go find the other two. Will let you know when I do!! b)


Go here: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?showtopic=11579


You just have to refresh at the NC Mall to find them. And then post what you got on the forum linked above!


Is it really worth opening the bags or should I just sell them?

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Did anyone else catch this in the NC mall... (maybe you have and I am just slow to find out about it...)




Boo! What a spooky goodie bag! Collect all 3 bags by October 31st and win a special prize! This was released to celebrate Halloween Y10.


I've only been able to find the one.


This is not to be confused with the Meowclops goodie bags around the site.


I hope I am not the only one who knows about this.

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i only opened one and this is what i got:

Questionable Bag of Stale Crisps

Meepit Mirror


Vampire Wax Lips!


if you want the mirror its in my shop for 175 neopoints


ps hehehe i still have 2 bags from last year b)

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Did anyone else catch this in the NC mall... (maybe you have and I am just slow to find out about it...)




Boo! What a spooky goodie bag! Collect all 3 bags by October 31st and win a special prize! This was released to celebrate Halloween Y10.


I've only been able to find the one.


This is not to be confused with the Meowclops goodie bags around the site.


I hope I am not the only one who knows about this.



TDN already posted a while ago about it ^^ don't worry

Just refresh the NC mall a lot of times and the other ones will appear randomly.

That's how I just got all of them~

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Thanks for the super awesome coverage TDN! Ah, I love Halloween, and I'm so glad TNT shares in some fun with us.


I've only -just- been able to catch the Meowclops bag, so it's out there a lot more often than it was. I think once I collected all three bags, I got a Halloween Graveyard background from the NC Mall. :D

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I opened one bag and got two Spirulina and Laver candies, a Mutant Ona Mask and a Butterfly mask.

The other time around I got a Casket Bookcase, Pumpkin Gut Cookies (ewwww! the name freaks me out) and an Eyeball Slurpy.


I guess someone can compile a list of what you get from the bags, you'd just have to open all 6 or something.

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I got:

Dented Can of Expired Pumpkin Neocola (x2)

Questionable Bag of Stale Crisps

Assorted Pumpkin Mixed Candy(x3)

Casket Bookcase

Peanut Butter Spiders

Vampire Wax Lips(x2)

Bit O Bones

Butterfly Mask (worth 70k!!!)


I am so selling the butterfly mask and the casket coffin and any of my items that are doubled

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I received:

Pumpkin gut cookies 2

Peanut butter spiders 2

Vampire wax lips 2

Bit o bones 2

Marshmallow meowclops

Deserted carnival bed

Candy corn classic

Questionable bag of stale crisps

Halloween aisha balloon

Ghost pancakes

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Nothing great for me I am afraid :(


Questionable Bag of Stale Crisps

Eyeball Slurpy

Ghost Pancakes

Bit O Bones

Eyeball Slurpy

Questionable Bag of Stale Crisps

Dented Can of Expired Pumpkin Neocola

Eyeball Slurpy

Candy Corn Classic

Marshmallow Meowclops

Questionable Bag of Stale Crisps

Meepit Mirror

Pumpkin Gut

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I'm guessing its safe to say that I'm going to sell my goodie bags rather than open them. Just from your guys' results.

But I still don't have the last one. Just because I can't access the spooky scratchcards stall. It always says 'sorry, this game is unavailable'

Can somebody explain this?

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