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NC Mall-Yay or Nay?


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I think neopets has done an excellent job thus far in making sure NC cash doesnt become a substitute for neopoints.


A) they made NC items unique, untrade-able, and strictly for aesthetics (they dont have any extra functions)


b) they made a real effort to prevent users from abusing the existence of NC cash and making money from it, even though letting that happen would definitely generate more revenue for TNT.


for the above reasons, I dont feel like the existence of NC mall has made neopets any more commercialized than it was before. you're absolutely free to buy NC cash, or not. the only thing you miss out on without NC cash is aesthetic items, which to be honest we only ever get, both in neopets and in real life, when we have the money to waste anyways.

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Hmmm. I agree with above, that at least you can't buy things like battledome items and stuff with it, as that would make the whole game unfair. But I don't agree with it all, just because it does make neopets more commercialised, and takes that, "And everything is completely free!" aspect it used to have. It's not as though there are less ads now or anything. They've got the money from plushies and the games, which must make quite a lot, and I don't mind premium either, but I really don't like the NC Mall. X.x They're not just trying to keep the site running, they're trying to turn over a huge profit, which isn't what neopets should be about. :( But I suppose that is what was going to happen when it got sold to a company.

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I also say nay, but you've got a point about trying to keep the site running well and such. That does cost a lot. I don't think they're trying to turn over a huge profit so much as trying to keep the site up and get maybe a little profit at the same time. I don't really like that it was signed over to a company, but it happened and we can't change it.


As long as the NC mall doesn't start selling items that are necessary to all Neopians, I'm okay with it. Neopets don't require clothes, though they may look better with them, and they also don't require backgrounds, though, again, they may look better with them. Stuff like basic foods or battledome items though... need to stay out of the NC mall.


~ Livvy

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As long as the NC mall doesn't start selling items that are necessary to all Neopians, I'm okay with it.


~ Livvy



I totally agree with this. When I came back from my 4-5 year Neopets hiatus (lol) I was like..."The NeoMall? Oh no" and I was worried that necessities would start costing actual real-life pocket money. But after cruising through and seeing it's all for cosmetic appeal, I'm all for it. Besides, Neopets.com is a huge site and they need to make money to continue running such a large name. I don't personally use it because I rarely use my own money for online games, but I think it's a good idea :)

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Personally, I don't appreciate items I don't work for. On the site, buying something with cash just doesn't feel right to me. At least the items are primarily vanity items and don't affect the game.


If somebody feels like spending money dressing up their pets or neohome, great for them. I just have no desire to do so.

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I don't see any reason to be against it unless you are just jealous that you can't get anything? I think it's fun! I see myself wasting tons of money in the future. That is, after I am done collecting 5" plushies. mwuaha

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Okay, before anyone jumps on me for saying this, I'm not saying it out of jelousy.


I do not agree with NC Mall at the moment. For a number of reasons. My main reason at the moment is because the NC Mall is basically singling people out who don't live in the USA or some other area where you can buy merchandise. I live in the UK and Neopets isn't even that well known here. I think it's very unfair how NC Mall items are only available to Americans and a few other countries.

The key quest tokens are also unfair. Right now I'm playing with a really ugly piece but I was told I can't change it without buying Neopets merchandise! Um, I don't live within range of somewhere like that..! So it's very unfair.


I think dressing up your pets is a cool idea. I understand that Neopets have to make money somehow - but come on, haven't they got enough now? Why do they need to keep adding features that you pay more and more money for?

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Nah, we wouldn't jump on you. We're friendly. :D


Everything you said is quite true, by the way. It's rather unfair for those who live outside the range of neopets merchandise, or those who can't or don't want to spend real money on virtual items. It's like buying a TV in real life with Neopoints. It doesn't make sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like it, I think that it's a fun way to customize pets. And for those who don't want to or can't afford to spend money for NC cards (which I really shouldn't what with the whole poor college student thing), they have backgrounds and wearables for NPs, too.

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I really don't like the NC mall all that much...


I see it more as tnt trying to get into something that will make them just more money and make some die-hard neopets fans happy by letting them dress-up their pets in some clothes get some cheap snack like looking things. I don't really see how something like this is needed on a site like neopets, since other sites that do this like Nexon have it that actually buying something is a "needed" part of the game, neopets only has it as something that you can do


"if you feel like it"


While I do think that the idea of clothes and stuff being sold in the store is a good idea; I think that more items that can actually be sold in trades and shops, some more features should be purchasable too like avatars and that you should even be able to buy neopoints form there too.


I mean, nexon did the same thing in that at certain times you could buy the game currency from their online shops for real money. Plus the site would have a lot more hits on it if they did, I mean I don't buy from there now because I don't see a point to, but if there were selling something that I could make some money off of or just money in general I would buy... and if I would then that just means more customers right? Better business since that is what the whole NC mall is about right now anyway...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm for it. Neopets is a business and it doesn't propel you into a huge advantage necessarily, as most items can't be traded etc. (NC challenge items are different, but it's expensiveish for the target audience). So I think they are perfectly entitled to charge for optional extras, especially if we want the opportunities they provide, they are there for those who can get them. I've spent a bit of money on the mall and my only grief is that the item selection isn't brilliant, but that'll improve as time goes on. I see nothing objectionable, especially as you can use PayPal, which stops the mall from being limited to US/CAN citizens only (which, as an Australian, let me tell you, is REALLY ANNOYING). Plus I think that the smooth running of Neopets for many years to come is a good enough incentive to throw a bit of pocket money into it, and in fact, as long as some of us buy things to support it, NP will remain free.

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I used to give the NC Mall the Tip of the Hat, since, well let's face it, TNT has to get paid. I mean, they do have families they have to provide for and mortgages to pay. And there was no way for NC items to affect NP only players. I mean even the customization contest has a special NC competition.


But now that's all changed. I now give the NC Mall the Wag of the Finger, since there is a way for players to make NP from buying NC items. It's a little thing called Lulu challenge tickets. What you basically do is buy them, then challenge Lulu to get rare unbuyables. And it's not like you have to work hard on getting those coveted NP items. Really, I could get 125 points in Wingoball with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back. TNT is basically giving out NP to people that have NC, and I'm really against that.

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personally, i like that kind of feature...


sadly, i'm not allowed to pay cash on web T_T



this seem off topic, but i wanna know:


i can't pay NC mall properties, but i have 150 neocash on my account *since 3 months ago*

when i click "buy them all" on the page, it doesn't respond


wonder what happened?

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I like the concept of customization but what about those that can't access Neocash, such as myself? I doubt my mom would want to spend her real-life money on this, even with Paypal... Just gonna have to wait 'till I'm old enough for a credit card, then. *sigh*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I'm against it... even though it's increasing revenue for the site (which is good, everybody benefits from this whether they realise it or not) it very much separates those with a disposable income from those without. Plus, I just don't like the concept of being able to buy your way ahead in a game!


- Apollo ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only use it when I get free NC points. Other then that I'd never waste my money on such a thing. And Neopets has other means at making money other then the NC mall. With all the games and toys they have out there, I'm sure they make more then enough. I wish there was a way to trade in so many NPs for so many NC points, that way people who might not have the money to buy points have a chance. Like 1,000 nps can be 10 NC mall points, or something like that.

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I also say nay, but you've got a point about trying to keep the site running well and such. That does cost a lot. I don't think they're trying to turn over a huge profit so much as trying to keep the site up and get maybe a little profit at the same time. I don't really like that it was signed over to a company, but it happened and we can't change it.


As long as the NC mall doesn't start selling items that are necessary to all Neopians, I'm okay with it. Neopets don't require clothes, though they may look better with them, and they also don't require backgrounds, though, again, they may look better with them. Stuff like basic foods or battledome items though... need to stay out of the NC mall.


~ Livvy


Agreed. I'm basically going to reiterate what everyone else has said, but yeah. I only use it when I get a freebie or a giveaway, and I think most of the items look pretty tacky on the pets. But a lot of people get REALLY into this, even though it's a game. If they want to spend their money, why should I stop them? As long as it's not affecting the flow of the game itself, I have no reason to object to it. Does it make the game more commercialized? Maybe, but I don't see why that's a big deal. Neopets needs to remain profitable to stay open, and neopets staying open benefits all of us, so let them do what they must to make some profit.


I really don't like the NC mall all that much...


I see it more as tnt trying to get into something that will make them just more money and make some die-hard neopets fans happy by letting them dress-up their pets in some clothes get some cheap snack like looking things. I don't really see how something like this is needed on a site like neopets, since other sites that do this like Nexon have it that actually buying something is a "needed" part of the game, neopets only has it as something that you can do


"if you feel like it"


While I do think that the idea of clothes and stuff being sold in the store is a good idea; I think that more items that can actually be sold in trades and shops, some more features should be purchasable too like avatars and that you should even be able to buy neopoints form there too.


I mean, nexon did the same thing in that at certain times you could buy the game currency from their online shops for real money. Plus the site would have a lot more hits on it if they did, I mean I don't buy from there now because I don't see a point to, but if there were selling something that I could make some money off of or just money in general I would buy... and if I would then that just means more customers right? Better business since that is what the whole NC mall is about right now anyway...


The problem with allowing items other than wearables and purely "customizing" items to be purchased with real money is that it throws the entire balance of the game off. Right now success in neopets is based on how much time you care to spend on it and how good you get at it. As soon as people can spend their own money on it, success will be defined by who has enough or is willing to spend enough disposable income on an online game. It will no longer be fun to be successful because any 8-year-old with a parent's credit card can have a million neopoints. I've never heard of nexon, and I'm guessing it's because their game structure was flawed this way and was no fun to play :P


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i dont really care if they want to pay money to clothe their pets or buy nice backgrounds or have a fantastic NeoHome, what do bother me is in a jiffy wiht ONE click they know the best price of an item and i have to refresh like 20 times and hope for the best... that is when one got the time to click so much. Under presure like when you are at the auctions/trading post, one or 2 clciks are all you have to make up your mind giving them a great advantage :/

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I don't mind, as long as it's not something people will trade for free stuff. But it is quite fair, as where I live is always not America. Heck, I've never been to America! (But I really, really want to XD)

And caesar, ever heard of Maplestory? Or Audition? Or Mabinogi?

XP Nexon created those. I use to love Nexon. And Maplestory. Now I hate it. Their accusations of some stuff (which I won't say xP) are completely untrue.

I don't really like it that it makes people special, but I don't care. Those people can buy overpriced internet items for all they care. Much too overpriced, even if I could buy NC.

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