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Type with your eyes closed!

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Account validation is very important.


Nailed it! :P




AA is not my name. My NAME is lIoN.


AA is not my name. My NAME is lIon.


I disclaim the accuracy of the above statement.




Lowercase 'l'? Capital 'I'? This gets annoying...


Lowercase :l:? Capital :I:? This gets annowing...


I was close.




"Life is just one long roleplay - but you have the power to make it something more." -AA, inspired by CC


(hahahaha my first attempt resulted in nothing - i hadnt clicked on the box, so i typed with my eyes closed and went to eneter... and there was nothign! :P)


so what i was typing was how much i love this game, and how sometimes im even able to catch mistakes i made! :P hehe... im just so used to not looking at the keys anyways when i type! :)


I can't do it. It is Hard.




Hackers are cool people, don't mix them up with crackers and scammers.


Hackers are cool people, don't mix them up with crackers and scammers.


Got it all. And that sentence is very true. :P




01010110 01100001 01100101 01101111 01101100 01110101 01110011 00100000 01000110 01100001 01100101 01101111 01101100 01110101 01110011


01010110 01100001 01100101 01101111 01101100 01110101 01110011 00100000 01000110 01100001 01100101 01101111 01101100 01110101 01110011


*eyes still closed* And in ASCII: Vaeolus Faelus


*eyes open* Stang! Missed out an 'o'.




Age of the geek baby, we run the world!


Age of the geek, bby we run the world@!














I think that was right. I didn't pay attention to how many ha's I put.


I bet you can't Type:


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.


It was the best of imes it was the worst of times,it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of foolishhness.


Pretty good... I gave up. Too much to remember xD


Type Krawkadillie Krawkadillie oh my. Patty cake patty cake.




Krawkadillie Keawkadillie oh my, Pattycake Pattycake.


:P I failed on the Patty cake patty cake... and a full stop, and a Krawkadillie.


Type (and guess the song it's from if you want, xD): Been there, done that, messed around, I'm having fun, don't put me down, I'll never let you sweep me off my feet.


Been tyhere done taht maessed around, I'm having fun sdon't put me down. I'll never let you sweep my oddd my feety.


OH Tara. Bulletproof! That was horrible D:


Type: And the pincers, click click


And the pincers, click click.


Wow... that was easy.


Now type: He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo! And as a matter of fact, I've always found him... interesting.


He's been poisioned, you daft dimbo. And asa matter of fact, I've always found him...interesting.



Slightly easy. Not as hard as I thought it would be. :)


Deepti is awesome. I must bow down to her. 0:-)


Deepti is awesome. I must bow down to her. 0:-)


Woah, that was actually more successful than I thought. And I am NOT bowing down to you.


Type: You know, my darling, I can't stand to sleep alone.


(It's a line from another song, the one in my head at this moment. xD)


You know, my darling, I can't stand to sleep alone.




Type: The crazy cat crawled curiously.


I was giving me a thumbs down.


Typing class pays off! Huzzah!



Type: Motorcycles. They be hatin' us.


Motorcycles. Tget ve gatub' us.


Failed after Motorcycles.


Type: Say you will, say you won't, say you'll do what I don't, say you're true, say to me, c'est la vie.


Say you will, say you won't, way you'll do what I wont, say you're true, say to me, c'est la vie.


I was close. that was a pain to remember.


Type: Was the above a la roux song?


Was the anobe a la roux sonf>


Failed a bit on above and song? then. :P And no, it isn't La Roux, it's B*Witched.


Type: Money money money, must be funny in a rich man's world.


(I just like songs, so going through lyrics of songs on my playlist. xD)


Money, money, money, must be fun in a rich mads world.


Failed with Man, and put commas after each money.


Type: Tara is crazier than me sometimes.


Tara is crazier thganb me sometimes.


:P I think my fingers are growing. And how can I be crazier than myself? xD


Type: Everybody cut loose, footloose, kick off your Sunday shoes.


Everybody cut loose, footloose, kick off your sunday shoes.


Yes! I win :P I actually know the footloose dance. So it was no problem remembering the words to type.



(this one's for tara to see :P) Type: Go on now go walk out the door, just turn around now, 'cause you're not welcome anymore

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