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Type with your eyes closed!

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I love these type of forum games. So the title pretty much explains it-type a phrase (it can be from anywhere) with your eyes closed. Just don't look at what you're typing-that's cheating.


I'm going to type "Chocolate tastes really good!" with my eyes closed.

Chocolate tastes really good!

woo! No mistakes :)

Now you type:

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

with your eyes closed.


Quite extraordinary weather in Zimbabwe, isn't it?


No mistakes...again :P I guess I'm just used to this keyboard. (I'm not cheating...as in looking down at the keyboard/typed message)



Sometimes when people type with their eyes closed, it can be a silly result-or, it can have little or no mistakes in it. Wow :woot:


Sometimes when people type with their eyes closed , it can be a silly result-or, it can have little or no mistakes in it. Wow :woot:


Hmm... one extra space. Darn.


Now type:


More people should join this topic because it's just so darn fun, golly gee.


More people should join this topic because it's just so darn fun, golly gee.




Now type:


Morgan will serve you fladooble cakes if you give her cheese.


Morgan will serve your fladooble cakes if you give her cheese.


(your fladooble cakes? xD What is a fladooble cake, by the way?)


Now type:

someTIMES sTUFf like THIS IS hArD to t    y   p   e because EITheR the letters or Words are SPA    c    e   dout, there are CAPitaLIZatiON mixes or youHAVEto use a smiley. Or you need to bold, italicize or even underline . Maybe even ALL?!?!


someTIMES sTUFF like THIS IS hArD to t y p e because EITheR the letters or Words are SPA c e dout, there are CAPitalIZatION mixes or youHAVEto use a smiley. Or you need to bold, italicize, or even underline . Mabye even ALL>!>!


Dang. That was hard. x.o




Flargstall jumped underneath picklemaid typing upekion on erta.




Flargstall jumpedunderneath oickles maid typind upkion on erta.


That was hard considering I ahd to keep scrolling up and then I'd loose my place on the keyboard.


Now type:


LaRua cleaRly can't spell heR name Right and is Relishing in the paRtaking of the capitilazation of all R's.


LaRua cleaRly can't spell heR name Right and is clearly partaking in the captilaziaton of all R's.


That was hard, and BTW, I kinda forgot some parts of the phrase xD

And I know about the "capitilazation" thing-sounds like some random disease or something o.O;


Now it's your turn...type:


Capitilazation sounds like a disease, while Circlies (a typo of circles xD) sounds like something from the Telletubbies o.O;


Capitilzation sounds like a disease, while Circlies (a typo of circles xD) soudnds like something from the Telletubbies o.O;


Aww...typos. :(




I like the number 395,036,105,992,013,739,013,185.




Mi,neRs are so veRy ebil because laurA isn't used to typing them without having her eues open.


I definitely did bad on that one... :S

Oh, and miners are ebil? Since when? (Pardon my "chatspeak", but ROFL.)


Now type...


I don't know if making typos of typos makes any sense, but hey, it has happened before... :wub_anim:  It's funny to look at typos; sometimes they look like chatspeak, others make you...laugh out loud xD Others have no category at all! :woot:


I don't know if making typos of typos makes any sense, but hey, it has happened before...:wub_anim: It's funny to look at typos; somethimes they look like chatspeak, ltothers make you...laugh out loud xD Others have no category at all! :woot:


Typos...I'm becoming more like Anime with each passing day...x_x






I son't know if makng typos iof typos makrd sany sensem bet hgea, it has happened bvefore... :wuv_anime: It's funny yo lookm ayt thpos; so,eti,es the look like chatspeal, otyhersm ,akes you laugfh out loud xD IOther have no category at all! :woot:


Um.... xD


Now type....


I can bearly type without looking at the keyboard with my eyes open, much less closed. I wonder how long this game will last......


I can bearly type without looking atht the keyboard with my eyes closed...more the less open xD I wonder how long this will last...


Eek, I made a few typos here and there, but otherwise, meh xD I also added an xD Which wasn't in there... o_O  (I forget stuff sometimes when I'm typing with my eyes closed)


Now type...:

Don't bite your nails, people of all ages-it hurts-BAD x_x  It's a common habit which is very hard to stop...


Don't bite your nails, people of all ages-it hurts-BSD :O It's a common habit which is very hard to stop...


Hehe... I have been touchtyping for years :D Only one mistake!




Oranges are special little creatures that live inside purple flavoured hotdogs!!


DOn;e bite you nails, pwople od all afeo-it hris-FAD x_x It's a coomn hafit whith is very hard to stop.


Oh lord.


Now type:


I'm out of time and all I've got is four minutes, fricky fricky four minutes Eeah....


I'm out of time and all I got is four mineutes, fricky fricky four minutes REeach...


Rubbish. :/


Anyways, type:


Mozilla Firefox is the best, safest and coolest browser on Earth. :P


Mozilla Firefox is the best, coolest and safest browser on earth. :P

Oops...forgot to capitalize the E in Earth. xD Wasn't a hard sentence to type xD


Now type:

You are not in a cold, hard world if you have mattresses and blankets...^^;


You are not in a cold hars worls if you have mattresses and blankets...^^;



Only two mistakes. Hmmm....


Now type:


I wanan see if you can easluy tyope a tyop so go ahead andf typer myt reall ymessed uop wrtingin. XDDD


I wanan see if you can easluy tyope a tyop so go ahead andf type myt reall ymessed upo wtrigin. xDDD


Good lord.




Ch@tsp3@k 1s @wfu1. :(


Dream Street rocks everybody's socks. :)


I shouldn't have put a period next to the smiley face xD


Now you type:


Does anyone think that Mountain Dew and Sierra Mist are the same thing? :/


Does anyone think that Mountain Dew and Sierra Mist are the tsame thing? :/


Darn. An extra t. <_<




No, Mountain Dew and Sierra Mist are NOT the same; one is dew on the mountain and one is mist in the sierra. ;o

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