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:questionmark: :questionmark: I don't know if this is the right place to post but I need help with my guild layout. I followed the steps and I am pretty sure I did everything right but the main picture keeps repeating. The account the layout is on is here puppylover99887766 this is my first ever guild layout and I am so confused. o_O :S


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You've got the top image URL in both the body background and the header code - thats why its repeating like that. Change the URL in this part of the code:


body {
background: #976896 url('http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh92/_leafpoolrocks_/DarkestFaerieGuildLayout2-1.jpg') top left no-repeat;


to the URL for the image you made from the Background Image Template and it will work fine :)


Thank you so much!! It works great now!! :)


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