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Any moms here?


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Hi. I'm Elaine, a mom of 3. I'm one of the many adults who love playing neopets. My son got me started playing and now I'm hooked too. I've made a good number of friends as well. TDN is one of the best neopet help sites i've ever been in. Hope to meet some new friends here too.

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Hi there Elaine :) Welcome to tdnforums - good to see you've been able to post okay! (Its me you were talking to via the ALP :P)


Hi everyone and thanks for the welcome. I hope to be on more often as long as I have the chance. Hope to make friends with you guys too! It's a bit hard to be online a lot when you're working full time plus have 3 small kids LOL


Hi Isabel, yes, finally! I couldn't get into any of the topics on the first page so I tried the newbies thread and it worked! Thanks again for the quick reply.


Hello, hello, a pleasure to meet you. Sadly I'm not a mom (and I'll probably not have that chance in my life), but I hope we can be friends anyway? :)



Hi! Of course we can be friends too! I guess being a "mom" is what defines me the most. I'm also a lot of other things... it's just the easiest and most convenient description of myself that I use. I have 3 kids (and another on the way) so everything else about me takes the back seat for now, heheh. (:


Tell me about yourself too!


Thanks for all the welcome. I'll be signing off now. I've uploaded a snapshot of me and my family just so that you can attach a face to my name. Have a great weekend!


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Hallo! It's great to know that people all ages can really get into the internet. I'm Laura. I'm not a mom yet (thank god) because I'm 14.


Here comes the "follow the rules" speech. Blah blah, rules, blah blah. Don't be afraid to ask us for help on anything ranging from the best flavors of coffee to computer mumbo-jumbo. I'm the expert on coffee ;D

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Oh, sorry about that. Just excited I guess. Thanks for the replies. Hope you guys have a great day! Nice to meet you all and yes, 14 is waaay too young to be a mom! It takes a lot of work so enjoy yourselves first! I'm off to neopia to do some dailies now. Bye!

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Welcome Elaine! Don't worry you're not the only mom on neopets or TDN! I'm a mother myself! And I totally understand it does really define you :) I have 1 child, a daughter she's almost 2 years old. So I'm a little new at the mom stuff but it's still wonderful! Unless you only get 1 hour of sleep because you're child won't stay in her new toddler bed...yap that happened last night ;) I hope you enjoy the forums! We are all pretty friendly here!

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Welcome Elaine! Don't worry you're not the only mom on neopets or TDN! I'm a mother myself! And I totally understand it does really define you :) I have 1 child, a daughter she's almost 2 years old. So I'm a little new at the mom stuff but it's still wonderful! Unless you only get 1 hour of sleep because you're child won't stay in her new toddler bed...yap that happened last night ;) I hope you enjoy the forums! We are all pretty friendly here!


Hi Ashley! Yeah, I can totally relate too! When my first child was born, I was going crazy with the lack of sleep, fatigue and the constant worrying about him when he's colicky (whaat am i doing wrooong moments). Now that I have 3, I'm a lot more relaxed. I'm expecting another one in December LOL! Thanks for the welcome and I hope your little girl gets used to her bed soon! :)

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Even though I know my experiences are NO where near those that I will get once I am a mom, I have had to put up with my baby cousin. Ohlordhelpmeplz. She's a handful. At my grad party she was eating all my frosting, then between trips from her mom to me, she'd find an apple and pick it up and throw it at me. Then she'd go hug the tent poles. I'm not sure about that child.

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^^^ Children will do almost anything for attention!!!


Welcome to TDN Elaine!

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Hi Elaine!


My name's Stephanie and being 12 in my opinion children start to have a little less respect at that age. Not like I am but to me its cool looking up to adults... I guess I'm the 'boring' one... oh well. Have fun on the forums. I bet you'll meet a lot of new friends! ;)


PS Hope that we can be friends too!

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Hi Elaine!


My name's Stephanie and being 12 in my opinion children start to have a little less respect at that age. Not like I am but to me its cool looking up to adults... I guess I'm the 'boring' one... oh well. Have fun on the forums. I bet you'll meet a lot of new friends! ;)


PS Hope that we can be friends too!


Hi Stephanie! I'm glad you feel that way. Your parents must feel proud. :) Well, adults can be cool too! (Especially if they play neopets, heheh). Of course we can be friends too! Thanks for all the replies. As usual, I'm still super busy with work and kids so I don't get time to be online as often as I want. See you around!

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Hi Elaine. I am a mom of 5 children and also play neopets. And it is nice to read we have some intelligent young people here who realize teen years are too young to be a parent. I see way too much of that in the town I live in. But it is really neat being friends with people of all ages!

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