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For afew months now, I have been really inactive.


This has mainly been due to my RL, which from January has been going into a not so good area :P

So last month and this month, I have been working towards new goals, aiming higher, basically taking the time to chill and relax and look at things around me.


So Yeah, This year, if I have been a complete idiot and been mean, my old self apologizes. But if not say hello to the new me. Super Paul (75% in training) (Who can guess what word I have shortened to make Super ;) (Work related people should know ;))

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Hey Paul,


I was wondering if you ever read that apology that I sent you, and if you did forgive me for my unprofessional behavior. (Or would that still needs to be worked out in that 25% left?)




have a good day.

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ewww Paul, ;)


Welcome back Paul, this year is tough for alot of people :( I blame George Bush =D

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