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Posts posted by May.

  1. What browser are you using?

    FF doesn't load HATPC. <_<


    Try another browser, maybe.

    Tell me if that works. ^_^


    Ohh, thank you so much! ^_^

    It works in IE. c:

    Yay, -goes to work on avvie-

  2. I beat both Abigail and AAA on my first try. I normally come no where close to AAA's scores on games..but i found this one really easy!

    I hope they do another game soon!


    Same here. ^_^

    But when I tried again after that,

    sometimes I didn't even get past level one. xD

    I guess it's just based on luck. c:

  3. So I finally decided to try to get the HATPC avatar,

    when I realized that it won't load for me. o_O

    There's just a plain grey screen. :/

    Help? ^_^

  4. Oh! ^_^

    Thank you both, (masaryk_the_mad & Denisa). :)

    I don't even know what the heck I was calculating then, lol. o_O

    Yeah, I'll try getting more game trophies & such. c:



    and you should be able to make FQD in a day or two, if you don't already have it.

    I already have FQD. c:

    So I guess I'll have to start working harder. xD

  5. Thanks, guys. ^_^

    I don't think I'm going to win this time. xD

    But I'm happy I made it in. :)


    Best of luck and thanks for making me giggle with your caption! :3

    Thank you! c:

    Lol, no problem. xD




    I have never any luck getting into the Caption Contest, sigh...

    Aw, don't worry.

    I'm sure you'll get in if you keep trying. ^_^



    Aw, well.

    I didn't win, but thank you all for the votes. ^_^

    I had around 86 which is still a lot for me. ^^

    I guess this topic can be closed now. :)

  6. Wow. o:

    Lol, a lot of people want this RE.

    It's a pretty rare RE, and baby paint brushes cost about 600,000 np.

    You can paint a pet by buying a paint brush or through the secret lab.

    I personally think you should keep him, since he looks so cute. xD

    But it's really your choice. ^_^

    You could always make another bori to paint halloween. c:

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