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Posts posted by May.

  1. Thank you all for the votes! ^_^

    You guys are seriously amazing. :)



    Its very exciting when you get chosen for something, the forum's with you all the way! biggrin.gif


    Yes, it is! c:

    Since I never get chosen for anything. xD

    And aw, thank you, that's why I love TDN. :D

  2. I attempted to vote for you but it wouldn't let me. :( It told me I could only vote once every 4 hours. I've never voted in a caption contest before so I'm not sure what the issue was. Good luck though!


    Aw. :c

    It's okay, thank you for trying though! ^_^

    Maybe the link doesn't work. :/

    I guess I should just change it to the Voting page link. c:

    And thank you. :)


    Thank you smile.gif I hope to win the first place in species smile.gif


    I hope you do, too. ^_^

    I fail at drawing, so I don't enter my pets in the BC. xD

  3. Congrats on the lends! ^_^

    And I agree that not everyone on the AC

    is as bad as they are portrayed to be. :mellow:

    There are still some amazing people that lend

    their valuable stuff so others can get avvies. :)

    But then again, not everyone on the AC is like that. xD

    So I guess there's always good and bad people. ;)

  4. I've only seen a morphing potion once in the magic shop so far.

    It was a green ixi morphing potion,

    but obviously they go within seconds. :S

    Lol, I haven't seen one since, though. :)


    I find it very frustrating

    when I see people with like 10 morphing potions in their trades,

    and they're only like 3 weeks.

    Not that I'm judging them by their accounts age,

    but it seems kinda fishy to me.

  5. Gah, I guess I'll have to wait till the weekend to stay up then. ^_^

    And thanks for the help, guys. :)


    yea.. count von roo is the other way, but the easiest way to lose levels is still lab ray =( it killed my pet's levels lol, not sure y u'd want ur lvl to go down tho

    Lol, oh.

    Because I want to transfer her to my side account,

    which isn't 4 months yet (but can still adopt pink pets).

    But since she's a level 5, my account can't adopt her.

  6. Wow, congrats to all of you. ^_^

    I must say, I'm envious of premium members. xD

    The SSW is so awesome. :c

    But my parents would never let me get premium,

    so I guess I'll stick to the good ol' regular shop wizard. :)

  7. Lol, I totally agree with you, Harbinger. ^_^

    And with everyone else at the fact that;

    TDNforums are waay better than the neoboards. c:


    You want weird people; try seeing 70% of all the boards on there revolving around the same 'high school, teen, mutants, haunted house' themes. After awhile it gets ridiculous. Not to mention the people who post the 'Literates Are Stupid' boards....


    -remembers not to go near those topics-

  8. So I was on the AC boards, asking to be lent FQD.

    And some person (person A) said that I should get more avatars before asking to be lent,

    but right after a person (person B ) offered to lend me for free.

    And then person A accuses me of being a scammer, even though they don't know me.

    Like what?!

    Anywho, person B still lent me,

    and I returned the FQD after getting the avatar.


    So, yeah has anything like this ever happend to you? ^_^

  9. Aw, I haven't joined your giveaways in a while. (:

    I thought I'd sit out for a couple since I won the glowing one. xD

    But the items in this giveaway are so cute, I can't resist. ^_^

    My username is makeitawish_x. :)


    Thanks again, for doing these awesome giveaways!

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