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Posts posted by lordnitemare

  1. God! I am reminded how much I hate Faerie Bubbles. I was never good at this game, with the highest I'd ever gone at 356 points. But because this was a Double Dare, I HAD to get it out.


    The I found TDN's walkthough and...oh my god...it was a LIFESAVER! I managed 1245 the fifth time I played, then I couldn't send the score after selecting AAA (using the trick of playing the game before you select who to challenge, then selecting the appropriate one after), so I had to exit out of the screen (already had it on Large), and play again. 1,328 points later, I beat the Double Dare.


    Then I had to do the same for my bff (since I have done all her Gamesmaster, Daily Dare and Altador Cup challanges since she is not good at any of them. On the up side, I do tend to get spoilt when I go and visit her... :whistle: ).


    Mind you, on one level, lvl 10 I believe, I accidentally got a 3 row air combo, 3 rows from the bottom. they all filled the space. Luckily I still had the Bubbles cheat (but not the Faerieland one or the Slumberberry, used 'em both on lvl 8), and a water bubble in the cannon. So I typed Bubbles. And they all turned into...dah duhhhn...water bubbles. Thank god.


    So I managed to get over 1,000 with that, and beat the Double Dare for her too.

  2. Even though I wasn't able to complete the three hidden spell book tasks, as well as 60% of the Battledome tasks, I managed to get enough to have over 82,000 points. Very happy. Which means I can get a Faerie PB! Woo! although I don't have any pets I want to change to Faerie (except maybe my Lutari, but he's a bit of a fruit anyways).


    Still when I saw the PB were 40,000, I thought, 'Yeah, I'm gonna have like 15,000 or something.' (I didn't see the total at the top of the table), so when I did see it, I was pleasantly surprised.


    Gonna stock up on goodies, and test out the site theme now...

  3. If you forget to do a day, and only remember at 11.55, and get the king skarl quest, but run out of time to finish it on the day, can you get the quest back? since i have all the other quests, bags and things, it is possible?

  4. What I really hate is the fact that with only 14 HP on my strongest pet (I don't train them much...if ever...) I can't even think about beating the shadow wraith fury (which means I can't get the accomplishment <sob!>)


    Well, at least I can get as many SWM and SWB that I can...

  5. Oh God, I hope so. I wanna visit Lutari Isle.


    Still, the colours are cool. Although I do wish they'd release more colours. I think Lutari's have the shortest list of colours they can be of all the species.


    (Goes off now to find a Brown Paintbrush, just so my Lutari isn't generic red.)

  6. I agree with most people who say the easiest way to beat AAA is on Easy mode. Just remember that pretty much the only things that can kill the Scorchios are the Acaras, so try and keep at least one alive.


    My method is pretty much the same as everyone else's. Ignore the time bonus, kill everything in sight BEFORE killing the Master. You should be able to beat the game then.

  7. Ghostly Findings - Part 3


    The sun slanted through the tattered curtains and shafted across my eyes, promoting me out of my slumber. As soon as my eyes opened, I wanted to close them, but alas, Azi was in the room, no doubt sent in by the Master to wake me up, but the sun did so first.


    "Rise and shine!" she chirped.


    I muttered something unintelligibly, along the lines of rising, but definitely not shining, which earned a smirk from Azi, while I automatically reached up with my hand to wipe the sleep...and remembered with shock WHAT I was, and only just managed to stop the reach up, and prevent a disaster, as my new, quite sharp right forehoof hovered dangerously near my right eye.


    She grinned, "Moving day. The Master wants us ready by 10, to catch the transport ferry to Neopia Central, so we can visit the Rainbow Pool. Then we will be going to our new home immediately."


    I asked what the time was, which earned another smirk.


    "9:30," was the reply.


    As I stared in shock at her, she sauntered out, having given the message. Half an hour? I had half an hour to get ready and say goodbye to my friends. But as I looked in the tiny, grubby mirror in the room, I realized the chances of them recognizing me were slim at best.


    With this depressing thought still running through my head, the Master came in and remarked, "Oh, you're ready. That's good. We're leaving now," and left, but not before speaking to the movers (a pair of Grarrls and a Skeith) saying, "Oh, don't worry about that room, when we are gone, put it with the rest of the unwanted stuff and donate it all to the Money Tree or Second-Hand Shoppe."


    I staggered out of the bed, and walked outside, and saw two distinct piles. One, which was mainly Azi's stuff, was being dutifully and carefully placed into one of the moving vans (by a Lenny and a Kiko). I could only see a few things that were mine in it, including my only trophy and my Mystery Island Training school graduation certificate.


    The other pile, which the movers were dumping the stuff from the guest room, was filled with my stuff...my bed, closet, clothes, wallpapers, floor, everything. I turned to the Master to try and complain, but saw that the Master wasn't paying any attention to me, and was directing the movers loading up the second van. I knew that I had no choice, especially not with the way the Master was looking at my stuff, with the sort of expression showed only when Miley Cyrus came on the radio.


    Within half an hour, the last of Azi and the Master's stuff had been packed into the moving vans, and I was instructed to get into the taxivan. After a few minutes of maneuvering, I had managed to settle myself down, with Azi on one side and the Master up front, instructing the taxi driver where to go.


    As we pulled out of the driveway, I could see my friends playing in the nearby park. I wanted to call out to them, but was stopped by Azi, who said quietly, "They were told two days ago in school what had happened, as well as the fact that we were leaving today. They have had ample time to come and say goodbye. It just proves that they never cared for you at all, and only tolerated you because you were a Shoryu."


    I wanted to yell at her, say that they did care about me, but the facts remained. Never had Azi actually lied to me. I lay my head down, and refused to look out of my window until we were on the boat. I left that part of my life, as dead and old as my old Shoryu body, behind me, never to look back.


    Looking back now, it was probably the best thing that could have happened to me, but at the time, I resented everything. I refused to talk to Azi after that, for the entire trip, and only spoke in monotone to the Master when asked what I wanted to eat (since it was an 18 hour trip), and instead holed myself up in the van.


    As we passed by the shoreline of Meridel, the Master came back from the Owner's Lounge, and told us that there was one hour to go. So Azi and I got ourselves presentable, and waited, the Master waiting with us. As we stepped off at the Kiko Lake pier, I saw the drivers of the moving vans move off in a southerly direction. What was that way? if they wanted to get to Faerieland (I was still convinced that was where we were going to live), they were going the wrong way.


    But that was forgotten as the taxivan pulled out and began the 20 minute trip to Neopia Central, and my ultimate destiny. As we made our way over, I looked out the window, and caught sight of the rainbow that lead to Roo Island. 5 minutes later, Neopia Central came into view, and shortly after that, we were pulling up at the Rainbow Pool.


    "You can wander around a bit, Falk," the Master told me, "We have some things we need to do before painting you, just don't get into trouble." With that, Azi and the Master walked off in the direction of the Petpet pool, obviously going to paint Azi a new Petpet or something.


    But as I wandered, I came to the edge of the Pool. I sat down (finally getting used to the new joints and maneuverability of my body), and waited as the sun began to set. I was just starting to drift off, when I was startled awake by a voice, close to me saying, "Hello, you must be my next appointment."


    I looked up to see the Faerie in charge of the Rainbow Pool (not to be confused with the Rainbow Fountain Faerie), sitting nearby. I said nothing, hoping she'd go away, and leave me until I had no choice but to get painted, but she persisted, "How are you feeling?"


    I told her as truthfully as I could, and I think I shocked her a bit with my language, but she recovered valiantly, and said, "Now, it can't be that bad."


    I glared at the poor Faerie, and haughtily corrected her assumption, but she shocked me by calmly remarking, "Right now they are painting the Petpet," here she chuckled, "I have never see such...dedication..." she looked at me, "Did you know that they went through all the colour catalogues to find the right combination of Colours and Petpets?"


    I shook my head, "For almost 6 months they came, on and off, I was a bit surprised actually. What normally happens, is that owners come, with a random Paintbrush and paint their pets and leave. But then there are the very rare few, who save up to buy the perfect brush for thier pet."


    I snorted, but she looked at me, "You were a Shoryu before, weren't you?"


    I looked at her with surprise, "Yes, I know, it was one of the reasons I started to take notice of them. The fact that they carefully chose the new Pet you were going to be. They wanted to find the right Pet. When I asked them why they were doing that, your Owner answered, 'Because I believe he was never meant to be a Shoryu.'


    "I asked your Owner to clarify, 'He often sighs, and looks out the windows. I can see that he is unhappy. In all the time I have had him, he has never truly flown. And if he were really happy, I know he'd never want to come to earth. At school he is too shy, and I do not believe his so-called 'friends' respect him. If I find the right Pet, the Pet he was meant to be, everything will be better. He can come out of his shell, for I believe he is slowly loosing his sense of self as a Shoryu.'


    "So they looked at every catalogue, until they found the right Pet. When they found it, your Owner gave a smile of relief and remarked, 'This. This is the Pet Falkyrie was meant to be. And with this colour, he will be happier.'


    "I know a few people, and am great friends with the Auction Genie (you woudn't believe the stories he tells of how Pets and Owners fight it out...one time there was a full on Acara-fight between a Kyrii and an Usul for a Royalgirl Paintbrush), and I found out that your sister and Owner bought the Paintbrush they wanted, then around a week later they went to the Shop Wizard to find the right Morphing Potion."


    I sat back, taking in this new information...6 months...they had wanted to change me 6 months ago. But the Master only told me a week ago about the change. The Master had been unhappy with my looks for that long? What I was thinking must have been showing on my face, for the Faerie stood up, and said, "Don't drown yourself in pity. Your Owner loves you. Loves you enough to see that you were unhappy as your old self, unhappy with your friends, unhappy with your life, unhappy...in everything! Loves you enough to save up for 6 months to get the right Morphing Potion, Paintbrush, Petpet and Petpet Paintbrush to give you a new lease on life."


    As I was pondering this, the Master and Azi came back, holding onto a covered cage, which I knew held a Petpet, and that this Petpet was for me, not Azi, for Azi's Snicklebeast was calmly walking alongside her.


    The Master reached into the bag, which held the Paintbrush, and looked at the Faerie, "Can I throw it in now?"


    "Not yet," the Faerie said, "In a little while longer, this Paintbrush is one of the Night-time Brushes, and so needs duskfall and moonlight to work properly."


    A few minutes later, Kreludor arose and the Faerie determined it was time. The Master threw the Paintbrush into the Pool and I saw the waters turn a rather murky colour.


    "It's still your choice," the Master told me softly, and I looked back at my Master and almost fell over from shock.


    Not at what the Master had told me, but from the expression in the Master's eyes, an expression I had never seen. Could it be that the Master felt the same joy I felt whenever I was in the Master's presence, that unconditional joy and love that I knew I would always feel for the Master? Why had I never seen it before?


    And as I looked at the Faerie, the answer struck me, like a herd of Chomby.


    I had never cared to look for it before.


    Truly, my destiny was in this Pool.


    I took a deep breath.


    And jumped.


    A/N: Well, I have finally put up the next part. In this (rather long part - blame the monologue from the Faerie for that), Falk gets a massive reality check in this episode, and I think he's finally starting to get used to the idea of his new body, and has discovered something new he didn't know before.


    Emotional data aside, time for the technical stuff. This is my take on what happens at the Rainbow Pool. I first heard of the whole 'throwing the Brush into the Pool' thing from another (very well written) story, and was so taken I decided to use the same concept. In my mind I find this works better than trying to actually PAINT the pet, with this the Pet merely jumps into the Pool, which has become completely infused (like tea!...mmmm...tea...) and gets coloured all over, with little effort. The whole idea that some work better at different times of the day is also an idea I had. For some, like Pink or Faerie, daylight is needed. Rainbow would work best if there was one in the sky. And for ones like the one Falk is painted in, and Halloween and Mutant, darkness or duskfall would be better.


    Also, I had to look at the Neopian Map to try and get the right estimates for time traveling and where everything is. It wouldn't do to see Altador on the way, when it is actually on the other side of the world. Also please not that these are estimates, and not to be taken as actual times taken.


    So, the big reveal comes next people, you finally get to know what Pet and Colour Falk is. But where are they going to live? Tune in next time and see!


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  8. I hate Freaky Factory.


    If it weren't for Freaky Factory (which I've only JUST beaten now, with the help of my mother's 6 year-old laptop!), I'dve gotten Super Uberiffic. I wasn't looking when I challenged, and I challenged AAA instead of Abigail. Which meant I had to get 750, as opposed to 30.


    I HATE Freaky Factory (the others I couldn't get fyi were Faerie Bubbles, Faerie Cloud Racers, Super Hasee Bounce, Sutek's Tomb and I seriously did NOT have the patience to get AAA in Duelling Decks)


    As it stands, I'll get Super Spifftastic (which is the same as I got last year...)


    Here's hoping those games are not on the list next year.


    But knowing my luck, they will be...<sob> :crying:

  9. Easy, easy, easy. After yesterday, (which actually was only 5 hours ago for me :laughingsmiley: ), I needed a nice simple one to unwind from.


    I already knew I could do this, so it was easy enough to get the Double Dare.


    11/11 AAA. Still going strong.

  10. Thank God for the guide by bartdrunkys.


    I'dve never've gotten it if it hadn't been for that, since my previous high score was around 10,000 or so.


    10/10 AAA. Sooo proud. Mind you, today would have to have been the hardest for me this Daily Dare.


    Thank god this wasn't the Double Dare for this week...

  11. Finally got it. 7/7 AAA (I'm soooo happy!).


    Thank god you get 300 points for clearing the third level. I'dve never gotten it if it weren't for that...


    Here's hoping it's an easier one tomorrow.


    Knowing my luck it won't. And I hope if they do do Pterattack, they don't make it more than 1700, since I know I can get that, since I did it for the last Daily Dare and the GMC.

  12. Today is going to be a b*#%h for me. I have never gotten higher than 1200 before.


    If anyone can help me with this...If you get as many coin bags as you can, which level aprox would you need to be in order to get 3000?


    If I have a rough estimate, I'll know whether it's worth trying to get AAA.

  13. I didn't find this game so difficult...once I realized the aim was NOT to beat the other chariots and instead make as many laps before you loose all your lives.


    I simply took it nice and easy...of course, I still died a lot of times, but once I got the hang of waiting until there was a lull in the others, and only going full pelt when powered up by the cloud or the sun...I managed to beat AAA without much trouble.


    Still am going strong for the Grandultimate Scoretacular...

  14. I think it took me over 8 hours to beat AAA this time...not because I kept on dying (although that was a factor :whistle: ) but because I got sooooo bored trying to get the 3400. I actually managed to polish off half a lemon meringue pie, watch Iron Man twice, and Hot Fuzz around five times before I finished the game, since I kept on leaving the computer in case i lost control and smashed my fist through the monitor...not good...


    Still, I'm 5/5 AAA and Abigail. Woo!

  15. Well, I managed to do this one pretty easily...but since I'd already had to do this game last year, I knew I could manage at least 7000 points...


    Hurr...Weird thing though...I now have a craving for icecream....

  16. It took me a while, but I managed to do it. I did it once before challenging AAA, then I realized I couldn't actually challenge him and send in the game, so I had to challenge him, then do it all over again. But I managed to do it again.


    Thank goodness...

  17. Thank God!


    I finally got it! In gravity mode and thanks to a lucky fish negg! Which I think most people are doing :P


    Most horrible thing? Very first time playing to try and beath the score, on 'Classic Hard', got the fish negg after receiving the equivalent of 240 points, thereby bringing my total up to 640. Had a blue negg sitting there just waiting to get picked. But the red negg that inevitably pops up immediately after getting a normal negg, popped up right in front of my meerca, and I had NO chance of moving aside.


    I think I scared my mom when I started bawling.

  18. Ghostly Findings - Part 2


    It was three days before I was well enough to wake up. I had had a terrible fever as my body adjusted to my new metabolism and skin coverings. Through it all, the Master never left my side, speaking comfortably in low tones, letting me sip some cool water through a straw, and occasionally talking to Azi about what to do (getting the Dailies was one thing that could not be passed up on, and in that time frame, Azi gained another 3 levels from Coltizan).


    The Master looked at me and said, "Welcome back, Falk. Tomorrow we will go to the Rainbow Pool, but for today, I think it would be best if you got used to your new body. Try walking around until you get used to it." Then the Master kissed me on the forehead, and left my bedroom and I heard Azi say outside, "Are we going to try and find it today?"


    The Master replied, "Yes. Today is the last day for all the shopping we need to do. Tomorrow we are going to the Rainbow Pool, so I want everything ready by then. And I also want visit the NC Mall to get the new wallpaper and other things for the new place."


    I wondered what the Master meant by that. Getting used to moving around? Surely walking was the same as normal? I heard the Master and Azi close the front door, and I decided now was as good a time than any to get up. So I swung my legs over my bed, stood up, then promptly fell over. What was wrong? I tried to prop myself up by my hands, only to find myself moving...a leg? What the?


    I tried moving my neck, only to nearly wrench it out of joint as I realized it was much longer than before. I gradually got used to the weird feeling of planting all fours on the ground then I opened my mouth...and nearly bit my tongue off. As I gingerly moved my tongue around my new teeth, I realized I could see much more of my snout than normal. I shook my head to clear the feeling, only to discover I had long ears. I was relieved to see I still had a tail, albeit a very different one to the solid one was I used to as a Shoryu.


    I picked my way over to the mirror, nearly collapsing a few times as I got used to walking on all fours, and peered at my new face. I almost fell over from shock. Only a few days ago I was the one of the most popular pet species in Neopia. Now I was near the very bottom. I was even less popular than Azi. It was confirmed. The Master hated me. That could only be the reason why the Master would turn me into this species of pet. I felt a large hot tear trickle down my cheek. But before I could dwell much more, the Master and Azi returned from shopping. I was sickened to see the Master looking very pleased and as Azi walked past me, I could swear she gave me a smirk.


    The Master spoke to me, "Falk, the movers are coming tomorrow. I have bought us a new home. Get ready and pack what you want to take with us."


    Move? Away from my friends? I had always been shy, and more often than not would sit at the back of the class when in the Mystery Island Training School. The amount of friends I had I could count on one hand. Although now, technically, I'd have to use all four of my hooves. I asked the Master, "Why are we moving? Where are we moving?"


    "Now, now," the Master said, absently, "That is a secret. Although...Azi was the one who suggested the move and the new location..."


    I staggered back (not very hard to do, since I was still a bit wobbly), and looked at my big sis, glaring at her satisfied grin. No doubt she had suggested we move to someplace like Faerieland or Brightvale or Altador. What could I do? The fact that we were moving tomorrow, (Tomorrow! How was I going to pack all my things in a night with my new body...I didn't even have hands anymore!), meant that the house was bought and paid for. I knew I had no say in anything. I was the unwanted one. I felt quite depressed. What I was thinking must have shown on my face, because after one look at my expression, the Master said, "Oh, buck up. It's not the end of the world you know. We have a big day tomorrow. And don't worry about your things, I'll be packing those. You sleep in the guest room."


    When the Master got that tone of voice, it meant that is was the end of the conversation. So I dutifully turned around, a lot more difficult since I was a lot more horizontal than before and I had more to pivot, and made my way to the guest room. Laying down on the lumpy bed (no-one slept there much after all), I thought about my life and how much it was beginning to fall apart. A new body, a new house and a trip to the Rainbow Pool. Knowing Azi, and her influence, I probably was going to be painted something like Snot or Mutant.


    No, I was not looking forward to tomorrow. I began to wish futilely as I lay there, staring out the grimy window to the stars, watching the Virtupets Station orbit past.


    I wished tomorrow wouldn't come.


    I wished we weren't moving.


    I wished that I could have more courage.


    But most of all, I wished I had never drunk the Morphing Potion.


    A/N: Huh, well, after a few months of lack of inspiration (and the fact that I was being distracted by such things as the Altador Cup and the new Plots and so forth, I have finally finished the second part. Shorter than the first one, but I felt it was a good place to finish. This part is mostly about how Falk is adjusting to his new circumstances, and as a result, is getting quite depressed. So I am now off to write the third part. As of now, I have no idea how many there will be, most likely 4 or 5, depending how I break it up.

  19. I feel truly liberated. Even the little man with the mallet is happy (he's currently drunk on Bomberry Grog).


    I managed to get all of the riddles, thanks to the hints put put on the forum in general.


    I honestly thought I wasn't going to do it, but once I got the first one (and found the place where you put the answers in as well :P ), it was easy enough.


    So thanks to Ian and Izzywitch and anyone else involved for this plot (I'm actually liking it better than the Neopets plots out right now!)

  20. Wooo! After 4 hours of trying everything I can think of, I finally worked out what the first riddle was.


    I gave up at one point. Went away, ate lunch. Came back. Cursed the stupid Mystic, then did my Dailies.


    While doing my Dailies, the answer abruptly struck my brain, like a little man with a giant mallet.


    After taking the mallet away, I typed it in.


    Now...on to the second riddle... :laughingsmiley:


    EDIT: Got the second one. And it was the first answer I put in as well...now...third riddle...ehehehehehe...

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