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Posts posted by mxpxrocks222

  1. when i was in high school and my hair was longer i used to dye it since it would naturally get lighter as it got longer so it looked kinda weird... then i cut my hair and stopped dying.

    though it was fun cuz id usually dye it blue-black or red black and the tint would only last a couple days and wash out.

  2. i went with xweetok and kougra. neither are personal overall favorites, but the best out of the list. though i am biased since my favorites are the pets i have (kacheek, bruce, poogle, and my lab rat that was a old wocky) partially beacuse i am attached to them so other pets arent worth much of a thought. though i can get a taste from the lab ray every once in a while...

  3. so basically ive gotten so sick of people quitting during games that i have started only playing my sister. but now we are rarely on at the same time so i barely ever play...


    so i was thinking that anyone who wants to set up to play each other can just respond here. and we should probably become neofriends so we can see when we are online together to set up games.


    anyone interested can feel free to add me as a friend and we can start setting up some games!

  4. I was talking to my sister and she said if you bless your pet, sometimes you get a stat increase. She said you get the same stat as from faerie quests.


    Id never heard this and ive been playing a while so i was wondering..


    A- is it true


    B- how often do you get increases



  5. well i am kinda suerstitous... but friday was a very good day for me...


    we had a monday schedule since we get monday for for a holiday, so i had 7 less hours i had to be at school. then i went for a field trip that i had sat so i just went out with my buddies and got some pizza and stuff.


    so now i rather like friday the 13ths.

  6. basically i start with dubloons untill i get to level 20 (i think) when you have to start paying 5, then i switch to codestones. i think this si the cheapest way since 1 & 2 dubloons are like 3k all the time, but 5 dubloons are like 10 k and the 2 codestones can be 6-12k.

  7. So basically i had been using the lab map on one of my pets but now her stats are very uneven so i am traing her at the training school. i dont want to use the lab ray on her so she doesnt get any more endurance points...


    so what i have been doing is getting pets from the pound, feeding them if hungry and healing them and what not, then zapping them to get their stats up until they change into a cool color then put them back in the pound for someone to adopt.


    i dont think there is a problem with this since no one is asking me to do it and i dont get a benefit, but i just wanted to make sure.


    thanks for the help!

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