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Posts posted by mxpxrocks222

  1. i dont see a problem with overfeeders... sure it makes it much harder to feed the kads (i still havnt fed one yet!) but its a game so if someone wants to play, they should be able to. as annoying as they are, they do nothing wrong.

  2. New Zealand seems cool. and i think i may actually get a job with a company there so it could really happen! but alaska, northern California, west Virginia or Wyoming would also be cool.


    or Tonga seems like a very relaxed place to live. i may just retire there.

  3. I'd write a will (yeah, I work in a law office) and throw a party... a no-crying allowed party, inviting everyone I care about.

    I'd burn a few things that I would want to keep private, and then just say goodbye.


    My day would basically be the same. though i would try to have the party at disneyland so i could ride all my favorite rides one last time.

  4. half price day is more pain then gain for me. i have enough problems getting items on regular days so it just isnt worth the extra hassle of the extra people.


    but i would like to say how impressed i am at those who successfully buy multiple good items from shops on half priced day. or any day for that matter. some day i may become as good as you. :rolleyes_anim:

  5. a battledome part would be cool, though. it could be a fight to yurius to stop him from messing with the petpets. though an ultimate match of wits would go with the theme.


    but i definitely wouldn't have gotten the last part without the guide. thanks!

  6. You are most like an air faerie! You enjoy fresh air and have a positive (if somewhat relaxed) attitude about life.


    yah, i think thats pretty accurate. though its pretty vague enough to fit most people. but ill roll with it.


    i would have thought i would get water, though.

  7. Hey, I just tried to heal the Vaeolus by checking at 1 second after each minute and it worked instantly! I started at 10:49:08 and checked every time after at 10:50:01, 10:51:01, 10:52:01, and so on. I've tried a million times and on the first try doing this it worked!


    i just did this, too and it worked the first try at it! good discovery voteforpedro333!

  8. Hi all! my name is liz. i used to play neopets all the time, and i rediscovered it when showing it to my cousins.

    i like the outdoors (camping hiking and such), reading, sleeping, and hanging out and doing nothing.

    my neopets username is mxpxrocks222 as well, so if you want to check me out there feel free!

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