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Fantastic Members
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Status Updates posted by Noog

  1. Hope all my friends at TDN are doing well!

  2. Happy Holidays TDN!

  3. Happy Holidays!

  4. Pacific Rim was great, would recommend for anyone who wants good action with a decent plot.

  5. PS4!!!

    1. Naamah D.

      Naamah D.

      Yeeeeaaaah!!!! I grew up with Sony and Nintendo.

  6. Magma Elephante UFA

  7. I can't decide who I should support in this year's AC!

  8. I'm just 3 months away from hitting 10 YEARS on neopets. I can't even...

  9. The calendar in Animal Crossing for Gamecube ends in 2035. And you thought the apocalypse wasn't real.

  10. I thought I should update my status, considering the current one mentions being an FM. xD Back on staff guys, *waves cane*

    1. Crimson


      *dyes Noog's hair white*

  11. Digging the shiny star next to my name *gazes*

    1. hrtbrk


      Miss you like Katniss misses Prim!


    1. Tedhaun


      Where's your avatar?

    2. Noog


      it poofed with the forums upgrade

    3. Tedhaun


      Darned upgrade... :(

  13. Want to know what happens at the end of Assassin's Creed Revelations? I'll tell you. THE LONGEST CREDITS SEQUENCE OF YOUR LIFE.

  14. Noog

    Hey...hey...hey...Scary Squirrel at christmas time? :P

  15. You can belong to multiple groups on the forums, so I'm pretty sure I'm still listed under content. BP is my new main area though, so they set my main group as BP and my sub group as Content.

  16. Noog

    Battlepedia ;)

  17. HBK, long, long ago :P Before today we had been acting as a democracy where everyone sorta voted on whether we should or shouldn't do something. Ian handled all official head stuff like hiring and training.

  18. I'm the new BP Head. ;)

  19. Noog

    I know right? xD It's not mine, so by all means, do it. :p


  21. Noog

    Is your avatar from Code Geass? o.O

  22. I can never spell Mediterranean correctly on the first try.

    1. DeAndra


      I can never remember which letters to double. Lol.

    2. DeAndra


      I can never remember which letters to double. Lol.

    3. khaos
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