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About thestral45

  • Birthday 08/06/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Nebraska, United States
  • Interests
    TRAVELING, reading, playing piano, choir, international studies, WWII/Holocaust history

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About Me

Hey there. ? I think that, since I am not real good at telling people about myself, I shall tell you some random facts about me that you may or may not find interesting...lol.


I am claustrophobic. I hate small enclosed places, and especially get freaked out in those tiny hotel elevators that you can't see out of.


I enjoy many different kinds of music...I'm a sucker for love songs. I don't really like the heavy metal stuff, but some of it's okay. I like the Dutch band Within Temptation. My favorite song is "If Everyone Cared" by Nickelback.


I could probably be arrested for my overuse of the smiley ^_^...lol.


I am the oldest child in my family, with three younger brothers (ages 14, 12, and 5)...but no sisters. ?


I have had a couple foster siblings though...my parents are foster parents. Though we don't get very many foster kids, we have had some.


I LOVE the color green. Any shade will do, though if it's used right, I'm partial to earth tones...the darker greens.


I am an NFL football fan. Yes, I'm a girl who likes football. haha...I used to not like it at all, but a few years ago...actually, if you want the story, you'd have to message me. My favorite team is the Philadelphia Eagles. Go Eagles!


I live in Nebraska and I attend a small private school. My graduating class has 18 kids total in it.


I read A LOT. When reading, I consider a book as "the bigger, the better". I like fantasy, sci fi, and nonfiction WWII history. I read a lot on the Holocaust, and if you want to know my explanation on why I read so much about it, you'd have to message me on that one too.


I constantly twirl my hair. What a habit...I've tried to get rid of it, but I don't think it's possible. I've played with my hair ever since I was very small, although now it's just an unconscious little twirl. ^_^ lol


In college I hope to major in 'International Studies'. I think I would like to be a tour guide, because I love to travel.


Well, I guess that's all for now. ? I enjoy getting comments and seeing what people have to say (even-especially-if they're just random ones ;)), so if you have the time, leave a message!

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