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Status Updates posted by Unstream

  1. Pretty alright, I suppose. You?

  2. Yeah, it's been a while.

  3. Oh that's kinda cool.

    My parents actually relocated the office to a corner of their room, so I don't think my room would be turned into an office. I can't really think of what they'd turn my room into, since it's a corner room and there doesn't seem to be any good practical uses for it.

  4. Aw that's kinda sad xP

    I think once I'm out of college my parents are gonna sell our house. They want to move back to China to retire.

  5. Yeah. My bedroom was actually once the office room, but they changed it into my bedroom once I needed my own room (I used to share one with my brother).

  6. That's cool. Computer/office rooms are always the best rooms in my opinion :P

    We have an extra room in our house, but we usually just have it as a guest room.

  7. That sounds like a good plan.

  8. Yeah that sucks.

    Well, you could always stay at another place and wait for one of the apartments you want, right?

  9. Ah yeah, that sounds like a dilemma. I can't say that I know what it's like though, cause I've never had any experience with moving.

  10. Hm, that doesn't sound fun. I'm guessing a few things went wrong?

  11. Happy Birthday Jhon! :D

    (I'm really bad at these)

  12. Haha okay. But it might be better to just film yourself saying hi. That's what a lot of us do.

  13. Haha it's not like there's a lack of pets (I think several people introduced their cats), it's just we'd like your face to appear on video at least at some point :P

    Just we don't want HeyTDN to be just a collection of videos. It's something where we can see each other and hear each other and "meet".

  14. Haha yeah British and Australian accents sound really cool.

    The typical American teenager doesn't say that that often, do we o_O

  15. Wow that's pretty cool.

    So I see you got the moderator job. Congrats :D

  16. Americans have an accent? o_O

    I guess it might be an accent if they have a different accent. Never thought of it that way xD

  17. But it's a nice skill to have regardless. You never know when something like that can come in handy.

  18. Hm, that's cool. I don't really know anybody who is deaf though, so there isn't really an incentive for me to learn it.

  19. Haha that's cool. Though I'm not too sure American farms are that different from European farms xP

  20. Woo! Thanks :D *runs to get some bread*

    So what are you gonna be in Lancaster for?

  21. It definitely would be easier being taught in person though. I'm not good with reading instructions like that.

    Haha that's cool. I definitely want to go to the Bahamas sometime.

  22. Haha well then you'd be a good advertising person since you definitely got me interested xD

  23. *jaw drops*

    I think I'm going to need to try some cinnamon butter now.

  24. Getting all the hand movements right seems pretty hard though.

    Haha and it seems hard to top the Bahamas.

  25. I'm not sure I've tried cinnamon butter before.

    Yeah sure, you can add me as a friend.

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