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Status Updates posted by antiaircraft

  1. Happy birthday to you!

    Happy birthday to you!

    Happy birthday dear Anisha!

    Happy birthday to you!

  2. Just FYI, I'm actually actively working on testing our hidden NP links and keeping them up to date. ;)

  3. *crosses fingers*

    Happy birthday to ya! :D

    (Was I on time? xD )

  4. *checks date*

    *attempts to calculate timezones*

    Oh, never mind...


    Happy birthday! :D

  5. :O That's one of the books I still need to get!

  6. Terry Pratchett writes the best satire, and indeed probably the best humour, I have ever read; and he does it without interfering with the rest of the story at all. He gets my vote for the best writer of all time, so yeah, I highly recommend him. =P

  7. All right, I guess I'll see you around then. :)

  8. I'm doing pretty okay actually. :)

    And how are you?

  9. Your approval is appreciated! xD

  10. That's one sweet AC blog you have there. ;)

  11. *late reply*

    Hi! :D

    Terry Pratchett is the writer of the Discworld novels. Best satire I've ever read.

  12. A most intriguing assertion indeed...

  13. Relax mate, you have an excellent chance of being the first man to 15000, 20000, *and* 30000 posts. ;)

  14. xD

    Well, let's just say that I really love making computers jump through hoops.

  15. I wouldn't mind at all. :)

  16. Thanks! I barely noticed to be honest. xD

  17. Heh, no, I can't really recommend anything in this particular field, seeing as I'm pretty much failing all my courses. xD Robotics was a bit of a compromise between me and my parents - I'm very much a computer guy you see, and a programmer at heart, but my mother in particular disagreed with my choice of occupation.

    Also: Yay Carl Sagan!

  18. As far as I recall, we just call her CC. :)

  19. is deprecated. With extreme prejudice.

  20. It is indeed from Pterattack. The original image is at http://images.neopets.com/games/clicktoplay/screenshot_fullsize_587_3_v1.png (you'll notice I pulled a few graphics tricks to get the look I wanted)

  21. So is it just me, or have I finally found another Linux user on this forum? =P

  22. Welcome to TDN Forums! :D

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