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Everything posted by Emily

  1. Hi all, Pet lends/chains are being suspended until further notice. With all of the changes that have come about in the last little while with pet slots, transfer limits, and site access/security, we'll be doing some updating to our pet lending process and procedures. Anyone who has a current request in will need to resubmit once pet lending resumes. Item lends will be continuing as per usual.
  2. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 2. fortune 6. cup 7. tag 10. extreme 11. zenco 12. drenched 13. eye Down: 1. rock 3. nova 4. acres 5. bite 7. two 8. genie 9. benny 12. dua Before he died, the Spirit of Slumber's name was what? Answer: Jubart Igig Prize: 254 NP and Spirit of Slumber Stamp
  3. Recently, users have reported some issues obtaining avatars while on Beta pages. In the case of avatars that require you to have a certain item(s) in your inventory and refresh, a workaround that has worked for some people has been to view your inventory in Classic mode rather than Beta. This can be achieved by adding an /x at the end of the inventory URL (so you will be refreshing http://www.neopets.com/inventory.phtml/x). Users who have been successful in obtaining their avatars in classic view indicate that you will not receive the regular notification on the page of receiving the avatar, but it will be awarded and located in the list in your Neoboard Preferences. Current avatars that this fix may work for are: Chokato Codestones! Drackonack-Hungry I Taunt the Pant Devil I'm Smelly Lawyerbot < 3 Usuki Avatar Mad About Orange MSPP
  4. Maractite
  5. The time has come! Head over to the Prize Shop to claim your prizes for Altador Cup XV! Once you've eaten all the cake pops you can hold, stop by the Staff Tournament Prize Shop and grab a few more mementos. Congratulations Kiko Lake!!!
  6. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 4. fortune 5. armin 8. codestones 11. red 12. advent 14. benny 15. negg Down: 1. art 2. ten 3. gormos 6. one 7. acres 9. extreme 10. nova 13. tag Who came in 8th in AC VI? Answer: Terror Mountain Prize: 300 NP
  7. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 1. bbq 3. arnold 5. blue 6. bite 7. tag 8. ant 9. nova 11. ruki Down: 1. ball 2. fortune 4. dying 7. two 8. armin 9. nik 10. art What position did Snarkie play for Virtupets? Answer: Goalie Prize: 327 NP
  8. Sign ups for your favourite team are now open at the Colosseum! Head there now and don't miss out!
  9. In case you were curious what's coming for Neopets on mobile, you can see how it's shaping up! What do you think so far? CLICK TO VIEW
  10. It's time again for the annual Festival of Neggs! Kari has tasked us to help her find stashes of neggs from her negg cart. Find your neggs every day for special bonus prizes! VIEW OUR GUIDE!
  11. Steampunk
  12. Hi Everyone! As Neopets continues to grow and add more exciting things, we all want to play more, whether it's on our phones, at home, at school at work, in Narnia, on vacation, at Grandma's, and anywhere else we tend to hang out. With TNT also spoiling us with fun content, many of us also have side accounts to hold all our extra stuff. However, TNT also has some strict rules about what is ok and what is not ok regarding accessing accounts and what is allowable/ not allowed on side accounts. Hopefully this thread will help out those who aren't sure what is allowed regarding Neopets accounts. Accessing Your Accounts Accessing Your Account from Different Computers/Locations Multiple People play Neopets on the Same Computer Sharing/Giving Away Accounts Side Accounts Quick List of Activity on Multiple Accounts What is a Side Account? What is Allowed on Side Accounts What is NOT allowed on Side Accounts Account Age Perks/Benefits/Limitations To find out which specific perks you qualify for, visit our calculator and input your account creation date. You can find this date on your userlookup where it says "Started Playing." Some general account age limitations for accounts up to 5 months old are as follows: Additional Perks: These are perks that are granted once your account reaches a certain age and are often referred to as "Loyalty Perks" Other Information For more in-depth information concerning account security issues and how to prevent them, feel free to visit this petpage. (Thanks to Zephyr for sending it our way!) If you have questions that aren't answered above, feel free to ask them below and the answers will be added to this post. This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Neomysterion). This topic is regarded as of high importance by site staff. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic. Per the reason above, this topic has been PINNED.
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