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You know_THAT girl

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Posts posted by You know_THAT girl

  1. Or maybe the plot will involve a horde of Neopians frantically playing 'Escape to Kreludor'? :P



    That too.


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  2. Rarg! Okay, can some one PLEASE explain to me HOW you are actually doing this. Do you put in three at a time or not? And if you do, please explain this "it's like addition" thing better.

  3. Oooh, I know this one (again. . . sorry.) This is just like that show "Chain Reaction" that I watch everyday.


    Waistcoat, Coattail, Tailgate ,Gateway, Wayside, Sidearm, Armpit, Pitfall, Fallout, Output, Put down, Downcast, Castoff, Offspring, Springtime, Time line, Lineman, Manhole.


    To make it simpler, just read this one:


    Waist, coat, tail, gate, way, side, arm, pit, fall, out, put, down, cast, off, spring, time, line, man, hole.


    You Turely have terrifying powers. Also: Yay! I got the last two words right!

  4. I think it's like an I spy puzzle. Or a Where's Waldo. You just look for the stuff that wasn't there before or doesn't belong and you click it and see what happens. I mean, sometimes it's obvious, like the doors under the Space Station map. But sometimes you just hafta tab through the page and find it.

  5. Am I the only one who sees the similarity between the fallen Sloth statue i Comic 3 (last page, middle) and the images seen in the news across the world when they tore down the statue of Saddam Hussein? ^_^


    Neh, they pretty much do that for ALL bad leaders. (See French Revolution)

  6. okay i dont know much, and this is my first plot ever, but i just wanted to point out that the game description for "Escape to Kreludor" has changed.... in a way that seems oddly accurate to the plot. could this be a clue?


    That, my friend, could be. There might be some Kreludor backstory action/purple & orange grundo fighting yet!

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