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Posts posted by _Zafia_

  1. Well I did get an Earth Faerie quest recently, but those are pretty much useless so I turned it down.



    You do know that the earth faerie can raise a ability right? I never turn a faerie quest down, unless its interfering with the job agency ;)

  2. Dont press any link. And if you wonder if a link is safe or not - do this first. Right click on link - choose properties. Look at the URL. If the person say/writes its for this: http://www.neopets.com/games/arcade.phtml - Then check the URL first by doing the above^ and see if the address are the same as the written one. If not then its a SCAM.


    You will notice that the link i've written is the same one as when you right click and choose properties. Therefor its NOT a scam, but a real www.neopets.com address!

  3. How do you know thats shes telling you the truth?

    It could might as well be a new scam/beg - Ohhh i lost all my np *cryyyyyyyy*

    And then a blue eyed person will give her items, because they feel sorry for her...


    And by the way - 50k a day is more than 1mill a month. And thats not included SM, RS or sniping...


    Ghee i just reread what i've written. It may seem a bit harsh for some, but i guess, thats just how life has formed me..

  4. I have 1 main account - Thats where i buy/sell, play games, do plots, avatars etc and then i have 1 side account, where i store extra pets and thats it.


    My advice to you would be following: Please dont do anything on your number 2 account, like playing games, earning neopoints etc. Only do that sort on your main account or else you'll ruin it for all other players that follows the rules.

    I really dislikes when others dont follow the rules because eventually it'll hurt innocent people.

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