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Posts posted by _Zafia_

  1. Aww im sorry that you are so busy rl that you dont got time anymore :( As i said in the pm, what if you got more time in 1y time?

    And decides to come back?


    I hope you'll do well on your education :) Aww med school only 1 year away :O Thats awesome *clap*

  2. I heard you only needed like 123 sand snowballs or something.


    People has gotten a freeze for that - Over stuffing the inventory in order to gain an avatar is not legal.

    And sorry but it aint difficult to earn enough neopoints to borrow one of the items that enables that avatar, legally.


    Beside i wouldnt risk my account doing something like that, but then again i do have the avatar from borrowing a clawed shield...

  3. My stats:


    Joined Team Krawk Island on 12th June


    Goals Scored 18,463

    Goals by "Dasher" Soley 16,226

    Goals by Ealyn Hawkshanks 771

    Goals by Nitri Cassale 999

    Goals by Zayle Sufhaux 467

    Saves by Garven Hale 739

    Number of Wins 1,860

    Number of Draws 2

    Number of Losses 0

    Slushie Slinger

    Games Played 20

    Top Score 585

    Make Some Noise

    Games Played 800

    Top Score 7,309



    Level 19

  4. duckiedonuts1 Chia Gnome Collectable Charm 1 2,800 NP

    all_is_vanity Chia Gnome Collectable Charm 4 2,999 NP

    jy_side Chia Gnome Collectable Charm 1 3,000 NP

    kurumi_san Chia Gnome Collectable Charm 2 3,000 NP

    xtina12613 Chia Gnome Collectable Charm 1 3,000 NP

  5. Uhmm i have played SWG, AoC and WoW of MMORPG's.

    I have also played some shooting games, like BF2, Joint Ops and Rvs.

    Though im a bit busy with neopets so havent played those games in a while now.

  6. What a bummer - I cant get my favorite net radio to work, so i have to find new net radios. My music taste is rather odd compared to others, when one thinks of my age. But anyway do any of you know any good net radios that plays music from the 50, 60, 70 and early 80th? Preferably with none or only a few speaking/commercials?


    Right now im listening to a net radio located in the UK, an oldies station called gold or something like that - But too much talking in my opinion :(

  7. So what sentence thingy should i pick and where do i paste it too?


    Edit - Looks like i figured it out myself - Now is there a way to make it centered?

    Edit again I want it the way krawk islander has his counter.

    How do i do that?

  8. Two possible reasons for that.


    Either its a bug or TnT has decided to quit drop and only leave main as a possibility.

    Personally i think its a bug, though no one other than TnT can say for sure.

  9. Prices range from 13k-14,8k in SSW


    aimeilee Vanilla Ghost Cake 1 13,000 NP

    draveman Vanilla Ghost Cake 1 13,000 NP

    cheesyveggie Vanilla Ghost Cake 1 13,164 NP

    fyingokie Vanilla Ghost Cake 1 13,500 NP

    hhteh Vanilla Ghost Cake 2 13,800 NP

    happy__hobo Vanilla Ghost Cake 1 13,875 NP

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