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̊ ˉˉ ̊

Fantastic Members
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Status Updates posted by ̊ ˉˉ ̊

  1. Hi. I'm Hunter Ellis. This is Man Moment Machine.

  2. Trying to give my kitty page a major upgrade.

  3. My rarely used, mostly empty forum on my website had 8 people viewing it at the same time June 22. What the heck were a whole 8 people doing there?

  4. I have all sorts of random stuff on my clipboard because I spend a lot of time looking at stupid things on the internet, copying the link/text, & showing people the better stuff I find.

  5. * point of going nuts

    (stupid lying character counter on the comment box said I had 8 characters remaining, yet cuts off the end of my comment)

  6. I made the image search battle by expanding on an idea I saw on a different forum (any image search, instead of just google). Name and member title I change fairly often, just because I get bored of them easily; they are either weird symbols, or obscure references.

    Why everything is so random, is that I haven't had much of a life for 8 years, so I'm already past the point of...

  7. Everything and everyone you know will die. It's a fact. Have a nice day.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ̊ ˉˉ ̊

      ̊ ˉˉ ̊

      I'm more psychotic than paranoid.

    3. khaos


      Im both, but more towards paranoid.

    4. Tank Girl

      Tank Girl

      I am somewhere in between psychotic and neurotic. I also have extremely pleasant thoughts ^_^ nom nom nom

  8. Hosts file rules. blocks most ads and malware I come across, and I never had to install anything.

  9. Got pictures with Finntroll. Awesome :)

  10. Hooray, my website has enough links to it to attract the attention of spam bots.

    1. -Ryan


      ... Gratz I think? xD

    2. ̊ ˉˉ ̊

      ̊ ˉˉ ̊

      Well, The bots can't post any spam on my site, because I set up it's forum to only allow people to post after I manually verify the account. Any real person can find ways to contact me to make an account, but no spam bots can do that :D

  11. White braided spike. I win again.

  12. I used a program in windows called Character Map.

  13. If I did decide to poke people with it, I'd probably only make it half it's length, but it would be reinforced so it could take the abuse :b

  14. No. I rarely interact with people.

  15. 8.25 inches

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CAV of Gang Green

      CAV of Gang Green

      I find that rather tall. How do you keep that thing up?

    3. ̊ ˉˉ ̊

      ̊ ˉˉ ̊

      I usually use elmer's washable school glue to keep it up.

    4. CAV of Gang Green

      CAV of Gang Green

      Glue......never thought that anybody would use it for hair.

  16. the spike is filled with glue again.

  17. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

  18. unable to make complete thoughts = unable to post.

    1. livvy


      Unable to travel long distances on a whim = unable to actually hug. =[ *e-hugs*

  19. put your mouse over the smilies I post, and you might just find a link.

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