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Posts posted by Shattered_Ribbon

  1. False. I guess you may think of me as some kind of wimp, but hey, I can punch hard. x3 (Had tons of experience from little brother)

    The person below me takes some form of art class.

  2. For me, Biology is the hardest subject.

    My parents want me to be some form of a doctor, but my dream (note: dream) is to become a pianist. Although I won't really be famous, and won't make much money...>.>

    Otherwise, I'll probably be a writer (has no skills in writing) or an artist (is average, but not all that great).

    Yupyup. :rolleyes_anim:

  3. ;_( Trick or treating wasn't all that great last night. I walked more then a mile around the neighborhood, and every time we stopped at a house, the person was like, "Oh, you're a big kid. Here you go." And they give us like a tootsie roll. >.>

    Sheesh, I should have dressed up as a little toddler if they were going to save up the candy for the kids.

  4. Hahaa. Well now I don't feel too old. (is 15 at the moment)


    I love cats. ^^ Cat is even part of my middle name. =)


    >.> I've been so frustrated all day. All my bottles of mascara are missing...*pointedly glares at sister* I've been hunting them down all day, and not a single one turned up...

    I wanted to be the super emo/goth girl on Halloween too.

    At least trick-or-treating isn't until tomorrow.

  5. Although I am currently stuck on the Halloween spirit, I don't mind thinking about Christmas.


    I have been doing this every year, and I haven't gotten the newsletter for it yet, but I'm pretty sure it's called, "Operation Christmas". What I do is get a shoe box, fill it with a bunch of toys and presents, and then wrap it up. Then, the organization sends it off to Africa, India, or any other poverty-stricken place. On Christmas day, those kids who least expect presents get one of the boxes full of wonderful stufferz. It makes me feel all good and happy to be helping out other kids.

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