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Status Updates posted by Xepha

  1. *pokes and runs*

  2. Hey Ruthy :) Welcome to tdnforums :)

  3. Xepha

    It's up to you. There isn't many people from your side of the world who are currently active though...

  4. yushhh beeen a whilllleeee

  5. Xepha

    Who to call... who to call... TJ? or Ian? hummmmmmmmm

  6. I made a premade userlookup with that image and I thought it would make a good set. I love purple (and evilness)

  7. lol glad you like my set. Wait, you do like it right? *fear the darkest faerie*

  8. Xepha

    It's a new one ;)

  9. Happy Birthday :) :)

  10. You can change your name when you have 500+ posts. (super member)

  11. Yep, I played like a nut XD. You were too busy pwning page 23 to notice XD

  12. I'm good thanks. And you?

  13. Xepha

    Thank you :)

  14. Sowwy, fishy don't cheer for pie-rats :P

  15. Xepha

    It happens :P But I'm back to hidden mode now.

  16. I'm not prepared to see numbers appearing on your counter :o

  17. I is sick... (no it's not Spline Flu! Just a regular cold)

  18. Happy Birthday Mimi :)

  19. Xepha

    It's an old set XD. But it's good to use them back XD.

  20. Glad to see you are back :) I've been fine, really :D. My life is going well. We have a professors strike so I'm a little bored at home but I can survive it XD.

  21. My little Metroid has put back my favorite siggy :D

  22. Xepha

    *gives you a Saturday or a Sunday of your choice* ;P

  23. Xepha

    you do! on a bored day =p

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