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Everything posted by Tahaleya

  1. Ah, the Annual Chocolate Ball. While not as grand as a pet day, it's become one of my favorite site updates; if only because Chocolate and Candy pets are amongst my favorite, design wise! Low-key sad that my hopes that they'd upgrade a current Chocolate pet's design that's more lackluster nowadays, like Ruki or Korbat, but I'll also happily take this day as an update with candy designs! Especially with how charming this Chia came out! Mike and Ike, what a fun candy to bring in, design-wise! Even if personally I do dislike those candies, if only because their taste just doesn't please me. I also like the clothes! The hat, not so much, but the dress is so charming, and the ice cream certainly a tasty customization addition! And goodness, what a quaint background to go wonderfully with the more edible pet designs! Finally, how could I not mention the charming petpets! The Geb is by far the runaway winner, in my honest opinion; it's a Toblerone! What's not to love! Though, the Walking Carpet design has a certain nostalgic feel to it! What a spectacular day!
  2. Ice has never been one of my favorite colors, so alas, Ixi getting Ice doesn't really excited me much. What does excite me, however, is that outfit! How positively charming, with the little hair tuft beneath the hood, and the "shoes" that fit the theme without looking wonky! The stamp is also darling, though likely won't be in my collection anytime soon, aha! Just can't keep up with restocking, myself.
  3. Man, it feels like Tuskaninnys won with their day this year! Burlap is such a charming color, and the Tuskaninny is no exception to this! I find the tear it has to add character, like a well-loved plush! The barista outfit is absolutely charming, and the mermaid get up? Straight up gorgeous. Absolutely fantastic!
  4. Ah, maintenance. With any hope, it'll tackle some of the severe lag the site has, especially in the first hour of reset. But I don't know if that's so easily tackled with a maintenance at this rate.
  5. As much as I do have a yuck factor to the dead scales, it's an amazing attention to detail for the older look! Have to say, I think I like the Elderly Girl look a good bit more than the boy, if only because their outfit is fantastic! Not the biggest fan of the hyper-futuristic outfit, but it's still a neat addition to the day, as well. That plushie though? Oho, now that's a must have for me! I'm gonna be trying to grab it in the Plushie shop, and with any luck I'll hopefully get one for my gallery!
  6. Goodness, I had to get me one of each of these gorgeous items when I found out about the sale!! I love the backgrounds especially, but as a huge Jhudora fan since I was a little guy, the Gruslens were a must have!
  7. Today I learned Burlap is a color. And wow, what a fantastic way to learn, because I absolutely adore it on Usul! It's so charming, I really love the heart decals on it! Maybe that's my next goal color, should I ever unlock Lab Ray or get another Fountain Faerie quest. The mane and tail designs are also so cute! I love the tinsel one the most, but the flower one is *perfect* for woodland! Absolutely gorgeous! What a fantastic day!
  8. Oh wow, that Sponge is fantastic! What a perfect showcase of the color! In all seriousness though, I particularly like the crystalline mane design! What a gorgeous combo! Shame that it seems showing Sponge messed up somewhere; though with all due respect, it's probably one of the least exciting colors in my opinion.
  9. Huh, I wonder how these ratios to win are calculated. I would have thought that because Brute Squad hasn't won in a while, avatar hunters would pop more on their side. Well, I'll test my luck with Red Erisim, even though it seems like a close match for all teams this time around.
  10. Oh wow, thanks a ton for the warning on the wheel not working right now! I just bought a ton of the NC Archive cookies, but didn't pop one yet. Seeing this just saved me a cookie! Hopefully it gets fixed soon, I can't imagine an aspect that's literally paid for with real money being neglected long, unless they're ready to issue out refunds for the wheel not working right for an extended period of time. But I mean, what makes sense to me may not be so easy to fix, in the end.
  11. Oops, ended up getting distracted by real life and forgot to look back on my forum post! Hopefully this isn't considered a necro post, just wanted to answer this real quick now that I'm more focused again! Big goal is overall just making Neopoints, as big numbers make me happy. I had one dream of mine actually come to fruition the other day! I got a Fountain Faerie quest for the first time, and was able to paint my main into a Chocolate pet, a dream color of mine! Collection wise, I never really tackled them before, but maybe now that I'm older perhaps I will? Otherwise, big goal is to at the very least have a ton of fun! I'm very excited too! Definitely seems like a renaissance period for the site, getting more attention and focusing on improvements and enjoyable aspects that were neglected before!
  12. This seems like a fun idea, but it also seems like the site is suffering big time because of it. Things take upwards of 30 seconds to load stuff, which made the buying from Neopian shop part especially difficult. Hoping as the night progresses, the site gains some more stability; it seemed like there was emergency maintenance before, but it didn't do much good (Unless the maintenance pop ups I got a few times was just the site straight up going offline for a bit.)
  13. Hi there! I'm new in a sense that this is, indeed, a newly made account on this here forums, but when I was younger, I used to have an account on here. I long since don't know if it just got deleted after a long period of inactivity, or that I don't know how to access the old account, but regardless, I've decided to try and make a return here, just as I did to Neopets a couple months ago now! I got excited and started messing with Neopets again after the huge announcement back in July about their return to form, and so I decided to settle my boots down to see just how well the new directions lead! So far, I'm very happy to see how the site's come so far in such a short amount of time, and am excited to see it go further! Hoping to get to know some lovely folk here, in due time!
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