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Posts posted by No1_mum

  1. Hi, this is definitely my boy! And I am quoting the correct user name. It does seem that I will never be able to access the account as I have no idea of what the email address is Neopets say is linked to my user, I have never had an email starting with a B which is what they say is recorded. Thank you for checking for me. Sad to have to admit defeat on getting them back!

  2. Hi Bonnie, yes I did try but it says my user name is not valid although when I search it in Neopets it shows as a User? There is no monetary value involved in my account so I am at a loss as to why they won't reset it with all the other information I have provided. They can see that the account has not been accessed since I had my laptop issue.

  3. I have been locked out of my account for over a year, due to all my saved passwords being wiped when my laptop crashed. I contacted Neopets support who say my email address does not match my user name and so they will not reset the password for me. I have only ever had 2 email accounts and neither are a match apparently? How can I sort this? Any ideas? TIA

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