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Posts posted by RealRed

  1. I feel for you. I got bullied pretty hard in middle school, but it got easier in high school. I grew up poor and I always had old crappy clothes, and so I started customizing them myself to look grungy in a cool way, rip the collars off and hang them off the shoulder, make "fashionable holes" or paint splatter them, etc. I thought it made me look better but I really think it mostly it built up my own confidence to own it, which is the key. Other folks on the thread are saying to laugh with them, and honestly it is the best lesson for life far past school. There are people in the world that are insecure with themselves and will look to take it out on others. One kid said my dad must have been stupid when I told him my dad liked to watch Spongebob with me, but I learned later his dad didn't spend any time with him because he was always at work for some big business. I bet he would have loved for his dad to have the time to watch something with him. Just know that your parents only do this because they are loving you in their own way, and that not all kids have parents that look out for their kid like that. Embracing it and brushing it off will disarm anyone trying to bully you. 


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