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Everything posted by lalladalla

  1. Sorry to hear about that. Such an awful situation. I hope things get better for you and your husband as soon as possible.
  2. Thanks for the votes! That was a lovely runway. I love how all the prizes are related to the colors we chose.
  3. Wait, forget what I had said -- I found the item again (I simply didn't know/remember the "Item Transfer Log" page existed). Now I've accepted it! Sorry for the confusion. And thank you for the gift!
  4. Ohhh I won! Thank you to everyone who voted for my kau! I think I accidentally rejected my prize on Neopets Would it be possible to send it to me again? I'm so sorry!!
  5. I love all of these!! Nice work, guys! Sadly, I didn't have the time to participate, but I'm happy to see everyone's creations.
  6. I won for the first time!! Thanks, guys!!! Now I just gotta learn how to make the trophy appear under my comments xD Sorry, I'm not very good with this forum thing
  7. This sounds really fun! It will be my second time participating ^-^ (and this is my first time commenting on a topic, so... hello!) I only know what Kitsch is because I learned that on Art class haha
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