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GlitchtaleLover last won the day on March 17

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  1. Still not a huge fan of the Elderly Pets, but these are nice. I like that they have distinctive outfits, and aren't limited to only muted colors! Plus, giving them little hobbies as part of the design has always been the upside to these Colors for me! The Crested Chomby is soooooo cute! The big eyes and little smile are wonderful, and the colors are delightful!! I do think the large head looks very odd with the small front legs... I understand the actual dinosaur may have looked like that, but it just looks a bit weird in this style haha. Neat background, too! Bright colors, different layers to the rocks, water, and greenery. All so serene. A neat day for the Chombies!
  2. The Woodland Vandagyre is cute! I like that you can still see the face well, and the texture for the bark and the pinecones is nice. I do wish there was some more greenery, though, to really add some more color and give this bird some more fluff! The Adorable Illusen Wig is also quite cute, always loved her color scheme, and the leaf hair ties are perfect! The Relaxing Toadstool Background is awesome, I love the colors, but I also love mushrooms in general so I maaay be biased... But hey, the Rainy Day in Illusens Glade Background is also nice! Seems very peaceful... Happy Illusen Day everyone!!
  3. Ooooh, exciting! Love St. Patty's Day themes Happy to see the Runway back, and good luck to everyone entering!!
  4. I adore the Relic Scorchio!! The texture of this one looks a bit more appealing to me than other Relic Pets have, but I still enjoy the Color in general! Love that the opalescent shine on the body matches the very opal-like eyes The lantern looks a bit out of place being darker, but it's still a cool addition. Speaking of loving... the Adorable Scorchio is so cuteeee!! I'm not sure if this is based on anything (since it looks like a different style than most Outfits) but it's absolutely perfect to me. The huge ears and eyes, the spiky scales all over, and the wonderful dragon wings all work together so wonderfully. Love this one! A delightful day, Scorchios!
  5. So happy to hear things are going better for you. Excited to see this back, and thank you for the update!!
  6. I like the Marble Gelert, the colors are neat, and the slightly swirly pattern is fun. My only complaint is that it kind of takes away from the face a little too much, and it can be a bit harder to clearly see some outlines of the actual shape, but nonetheless cool! The different ears and tails based on real dog breeds is cute! I sound ungrateful, but now that I've seen this, I'd love if they added more breeds next year, it's just really fun! The Floppy set is simple yet still adorable, the Fluffy set is my favorite for both the detail and the poofiness... so soft! And finally, the Fancy set, which, to me, doesn't feel all too "fancy", but it is still really cute! I'd probably call it the Nubby set lol! The toy items are also fun! I don't really have much else to say on them, they're just neat additions to any playful pup A very enjoyable day for the Gelerts!
  7. The Relic Uni might be one of my personal favorites for this Color!! I love the green gem additions to the hoofs, horn, and eyes, it goes so well with the vines and moss, and the texture of it all is just fantastic! The Fabled Uni Outfit is super cool too! The beak and horn make it look so menacing, and not to mention the wings!! I adore spooky stuff like this, so I'd definitely look for this if I had an Uni! The Dappled Markings are neat! I enjoy when they add little customizations like this to make the Pets feel more like the animals they're based off of, it's very fun! Real great day, Unis!
  8. The Burlap Mynci being a sock monkey is a neat idea, overall, I do find Burlap to be just alright as a Color, so I'm glad they're being creative with it at least. But still... Something about it just creeps me out, like many others... For some of them it's a bit more charming, whereas this one is just a little too spooky for me, and I usually enjoy spooky stuff. Still, a fun idea! The Giant Mynci Outfit is very cool!! Love the details like the scars on the chest and all the extra fur. Also happy they genuinely did make the Mynci giant lol! The M*YNCI hairs are all pretty neat, nothing really stands out to me, though I'm sure they'll all find their uses in certain customizations A neat day, Myncis!
  9. It's happened to me, too, on occasion. I've just gotten so used to doing my Trudy's nearly every day, so I rarely check for the notification, but I have noticed the message there even without the icon! Not sure if there's really a fix for it or if it's being caused by anything in particular. In the past for me, it's gone away in a day or two, where I receive the actual notification just as usual, so hopefully yours comes back soon too.
  10. The Hungry Hungry Hippos idea is very cute!! I like the expression of the Tonu too, especially with the little tooth added I'm glad the balls are removable, since it does take away from the face a bit, but it's a fun design nonetheless. My only complaint is just that it feels so... bald without the big ruff. The one little tuft of hair is doing a lot of heavy lifting! The Belisarius Outfit is fun as well! I really like witchy / wizardy themes in general, so I have a bit of a bias haha, but the robes and hat do look nice! Also kind of them to make the flame on the staff optional, thought it does look a bit low-quality to me? Like, the rest of the Outfit has good details, but the flame looks pretty basic. Doesn't ruin the set, just stands out a bit. A nice day, Tonus!
  11. OMG THE CELL CHIA..... I'm a huge nerd, I love this... Such a creative spin on the Transparent Color, which has always just felt alright to me. All the details are perfect, down to every organelle The Safety Chia is very funny, somehow still cute despite being a cone lol! The different "hairs" are also a neat addition! The bow is my favorite, I like the idea of making your Pet into a little present haha, and it's very cute. The plant hair is neat, although maybe it could benefit from some different details to add new colors, but that's just me. It's still nice! The shy hair is adorable, poor little Chia is nervous, but that's ok. Quite the fun day, Chias!
  12. Awww, that Lupe is so precious I'm really happy they're giving extra detail for these types of pets, I'm definitely going to look at more of the new pet styles thanks to this!
  13. I adore the Valentine Uni so much, I don't think it's missing anything to make it more lovey-dovey! The colors and pattern are cute, the little heart on the tip of the horn is a nice touch, the wings have even more detail, and the little extras like the bag and tail bow really bring it all together. This Color is starting to become one I really enjoy The Hissi is also very nice, the heart scales on the front are really cool, and the eyes look fantastic with the pink outline! It's adorable, though the wings do look a bit odd to me, at least in comparison to the other Valentine Pets haha. The candy hearts background is cute, and I like that they're not regular messages you would see on them, and actually Neopets themed! I, too, am a P3 Luvr... The Anime Valentine Outfit is wonderful! The coat and suit look so elegant, and the detail for the entire thing is lovely! And finally, the Anti Valentines Tea, it's such a neat little cup, I'd honestly get one of those in real life lol! Wonder what it would taste like... Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
  14. The Strawberry Lenny is nice! the green leaves in replacement of the tuft of feathers on the head fits perfectly, and same with the tails! The claws being yellow is a nice touch too, but I'm a bit confused on why the knees are green... it doesn't look bad, just a bit out of place haha! And the Shadow Shard Outfit being a Skeksis is so wonderfully creative, and the art is amazingly done! I do wish that, for the sake of more customization, more parts of the Outfit could be separated, but it is a more complicated design so I understand. Definitely considering this for my Lenny lol! The different types of beaks are fun! The duck bill is simple and cute, and I enjoy that it looks like the Lenny is smiling The pelican one is cool, although I think I'd like it more without the fish. It's a funny addition, but it just takes away from the shape and makes it look a bit weirder to me. The toucan beak is my favorite, though! So colorful and sleek, and it really does go well with the Rainbow Lenny, and likely plenty of others!! A fantastic day for the Lennies!
  15. The Oil Paint Zafara is incredible!! Whatever it's based on is very familiar, but I can't remember the name... It's very pretty, though! The purple in the eyes was a nice touch, I'd love to have that shade as a wearable if there is one. The Vintage Boxer Outfit is fun! The outfit itself is rather plain, but I enjoy the fact that the handlebar mustache and boxing gloves make it more unique! At first, I wondered why boxing, of all things, for the Zafara, then I recalled that it's based on the kangaroo haha! The Fluffy markings are neat! Does anyone know what kind of animal this is meant to be? Or is it just a random form of markings? Either way, it's very fun with the splotches! A real neat day for the Zafaras!
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