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Everything posted by alohadiscordia

  1. congrats! it's the accomplishment rather than the NP that counts, right I'm aiming for #6 right now
  2. oh my she has some nerve I'm dreading to do this some time in the forseeable future for the ava... how many times have you had to call it quits with her before, due to pricy items like this one? what would you estimate how much you have invested in her at this point?
  3. good points all of you made. I like to think of it like this: just because a game's prime time is over doesn't mean it's done and over with. while I think neo could still get popular again with today's kids if a serious overhaul would be made (not just a conversion to HTML5 but general declutter and refresh fot the whole site. probably pretty pricy too), it is just not living up to it's potential right now. and still - the core player base is there. it's insane how fast one of the NC items was sold out last year during some item pool renewal! as soon as it was restocked they were gone, it took me like a week to hunt one down, and those were hundreds of items everytime so my point is, is neo still one of the most popular games out there? no. is there still countless players that have stuck around for decades and will gladly do so for many more? absolutely. is this the definition of a 'dead game'? don't think so
  4. a warm welcome from me too ennoshima social anxiety squad calling in whoo!
  5. hello there, nice to meet you you are right, the current situation is a good reason to get more active on neo also make sure to catch the easter event and collect your daily negg!
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