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Posts posted by sienna_maiu

  1. In my personal experience, yes you have to "allow" each time you go to different sites in a new browser session, but once you've allowed (in neopets' case, just once each for the site and the mall) it is locked in until you close every last browser window (incognito also acts as a separate session entirely, so you definitely have to allow each time you open it), so it's not as bad as having to do each tab. If you never really close out your Chrome (apart from shutting down your computer) then it's not all that bad.

    Explorer on the other hand I can never get to work consistently.

    The only things affected by the flash are games, maps, wheels, and of course customization.


    Did you ever get the Customization for your pet to work?

  2. With the Shockwave x plugin no longer supported, are there any other suitable (and safe) options left for playing the games which still operate on it?

    I use Chrome, but I'm open to using Explorer if that's what's available.

  3. I got a Queen Quest last year, but I had to abstain. She wanted a rare Bruce stamp of some sort, and I was like "this is so not worth 50,000NP" (it might have even been 500,000NP). My pet was still under level 30, so it definitely wouldn't have been worth it.

    I do get what you mean though; due to doing all the faerie quests without paying enough attention, I pushed my pet level into the next Pirate Training school cutoff mark without having the other attributes trained up enough yet.

    Movement/Agility only matters for certain Battledome weapons.

  4. I forget what I got when I took this test before, so maybe I'll take it again at some point...
    [I'm pretty sure I'm a dark faerie though; where my night owls at?]

    6 hours ago, jellysundae said:

    At least the questions for this aren't ALL so glaringly obvious that you know exactly which faerie they correspond to, the one about drinks is kinda random, lol.


    Now to me, the answers to this seem quite logical/obvious.

    Hot chocolate or tea is heat, so Fire Faerie
    "diet" is also referred to on some promotional packaging as "light", so Light Faerie
    Ice water, clearly Water Faerie
    Carbonation is carbon dioxide (which while it is a gas, is counter to oxygen, but whatever), so Air Faerie
    Black coffee, literally just "dark"; Dark Faerie
    And "natural", which evokes thoughts of organic and greenery; Earth Faerie

  5. 1 hour ago, emily_speck_15 said:

    If I am not measured I remain unknown, 

    Yet measuring me, takes me.  (I forget the exact words, pretend it is a little more poetic)

    Sounds like a temperature.


    56 minutes ago, babayaga67 said:

    A serial killer kidnapped 5 different people and sat them down each with two pills in their hand and a glass of water. He told them each to take one pill but warned them that one was poisonous and the other was harmless. Whichever pill the victim didn't take the serial killer would take. Every victim somehow chose the poisonous pill and died. How did the serial killer get them all to take the poisonous pill?

    I always assumed in Sherlock that both were poisonous, but that the killer was immune because of his tumor/it was some sort of experimental medicine he was supposed to be taking anyway.

  6. I pick... number 25 with the username sienna_maiu


    I first heard of "tombola" on neopets back in the 90s, and I haven't heard of it anywhere else at all since. Ever since then I've always just wondered "the heck is a 'tombola'?" I usually just slated it to being some sort of island or Hawaiian thing.



    Edit:  Oh and that was rude of me... I forgot to say, "Thank you!"

  7. 1 hour ago, Nielo said:

    I think you can still use quick stock, just not on all the items at once. I'm not sure what the limit on the amount of items you can move at once is (70?), but it's still faster than moving them one by one. (I've never had 1000 items in my inventory though, so I'm basing this one when I had 100/200 items that I had to move.)

    The limit is indeed 70, which I have successfully done in the past, and recently (last month) was able to use the Quick Stock, when I only had about 800 items in my inventory. I have attempted to move even one item at a time with the Quick Stock, but no matter how many items I tick, I keep getting the message back that "Error: No actions selected!"

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