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Everything posted by splitting

  1. Ahh this is the best! I was waiting for an Axie Maraquan pet! Just like my IRL baby, Quottle:
  2. I think they restock throughout the day! Loving Delina's aesthetic this year
  3. How could I have forgotten about the biscuit color! For that I might go with the Gnorbu. All the little chocolate pieces in the mane look delicious.
  4. @jellysundae I've never seen that size chart before, very informative!
  5. IF they were really a piece of chocolate or candy, not an actual pet or living creature of course! The runway contest got me thinking about this. I think I'd want to try a Chocolate Bruce because it's got a few flavors of chocolate - white, dark, and milk. For Candy I might go with an Ixi because it looks like a sour apple gummy.
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