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Posts posted by qtiejelly

  1. Haha just signed myself up for the 2016 January Pet Chain! Werelupe & Mootix

    But seems like there aren't many people borrowing these days cause the schedule looked pretty empty... 

    And yes I do have a Pink pet and many aged petpets too, do contact me if you require any of these pets (:

  2. the CC didn't end .. officially


    they just put it on the side to finish fixing the site .. it hasnt been 2 years .. it stopped updating around March .. so .. 9 months ago only , im sure itll be back ... 


    the RC and LC were officially retired by TNT


    But it stopped in March 2014... Now's Dec 2015....

    Sigh RC and LC were fun ):


    I'm still hoping for Lenny to come back, the avatar isn't retired yet and that gives me hope. I never got to play it because I never really knew about it. The page for it is still up and there's nothing talking about it being over on it.


    Also... I had tdner's asking for votes on captions just last year, so it had to of ended recently. I wonder if maybe those dates were wrong or if the captions were for the random contest???


    Haha yeah the non-retired LC avatar is what's giving me hope too!


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  3. Hey guys, thanks for the info!  

    Caption Contest ended March 11 2014. 

    Random Contest ended October 2014

    and Lenny Conundrum ended September 2013


    They've halted for over a year now, (2 years for Caption!) looks like there isn't really any hope of them returning anymore :/

    It's really sad to see these contests retire though.


    Then again recently I went to dig some research on some collectable items like stamps and Smuggler's Cove battle items. Paying 72mil for a Stamp and 1 bil for Super Attack Pea made my jaw drop. Gawd.

    It might be my opinion only but this makes it very difficult for new members to join in, especially if they are set on collecting items... Time to make a wish in the wishing well for TNT to bring those retired items back into circulation hahaha.

  4. I started to make it a daily in order to get the avatar. After losing 2 million, I decided to give it a rest Lol


    Omg 2 mil is a real heart ache


    Spun it 3 times in my life in 1 month.

    1. Purple job (that's why i got addicted to the wheel)

    2. 50k

    3. Str +5


    But I guess long term it will even out. somehow...

  5. Thanks Mouseykins! I never knew Dracknorack could eat other food items too LOL  :whaa:

    Anyway I'd like to share a trick I discovered. If after many days and the Dracknorack still hasn't eaten any cheese, put them all back into the SDB again. And then take them out in any order, and re-fresh about 10 times.

    I got mine when I did that after many days of uneaten Cheese.

  6. Does anyone know the rough prices for faerie dolls? Or even the rarity of them. I've noticed that there have been other dolls without faerie names that are on trading posts!


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  7. Is there any way to inform of a cancellation of a request for an avatar lend?


    I requested for a Drackonack at first, and then decided to buy the petpet myself instead. So I went ahead to request for a Meowclops item lend. It only just occurred to me that I am submitting multiple requests :X

    You can email any of the ALP admin people:




    Ali Cat

    Rune Valentine

    Usually they'll reply you saying that multiple requests have been submitted and they will only reply to one. Which is your earlier request. If they do reply with the Drackonack one you could always reply that you have it already, that would help the chain move along faster too (:

  8. Woops! Accidently trained an ALP!

    Short story long, I went to purchase an aquatic petpet (to feed to the Jetsam ALP), found I had a simple fairy quest and couldn't use the shops, so without thinking I gave the fairy the hat she wanted (because I had the cheap thing in my closet already), and whoops! Chambomb felt a little stronger! o_O Completely autopiloted the whole process. My apologies.

    You deserve a cookie


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    This post has been edited by a member of staff (.Brianna.) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    Please keep your posts on topic. This board is for information regarding the Avatar Lending Program only. If you are not asking/answering a question regarding the program please use the other boards or private messenger.

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  9. Well, as much as I hate stereotypes; it's completely true that Belgians are really prude. I would love to be much more open myself, but for me it has less to do with being prude. I'm very introvert and physical contact that I haven't initiated often scares the hell out of me. I hate people touching me if I don't feel they have a legit reason, especially people I don't know that well. 

    In my country it is custom though to kiss someone once to thrice on the cheek(s) when you enter or leave a party. I can't even force myself to do it. I'm just there, awkwardly, waving at everyone:" I'm not a kisser, so... Hi." 


    These pics are really accurate when it comes to me, personally: 




    Hahah omg that Lilo and Stitch gif is just too adorable

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