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Posts posted by Pikky126

  1. The Brain Tree sat entirely still. There was almost now reaction as the potion seeped through his tattered and smashed remains, with a little energy regained he glances at you. "It isn't gone. It isn't even sleeping. The Beast is still roaming around the Haunted Woods..."

  2. She sighs "I would like you to show up on time. Alright. Fine, I'll help you, but don't think it is because I like you, or the Brain Tree." She grumbles and walks back into her hut to make a potion.


    She walks back a few minutes later and hands you a bottle. "Here" she says "Pour this on the Brain Tree and it should perk him up. As for The Beast, I'd say your best bet is to try to wait it out if you can. If that isn't an option then we really only have one other option..."

  3. I personally have been a longtime member of JellyNeo for about 2 years now. I only came here by accident, I was looking for a Neopets forum and somehow missed JellyNeo's forum. I eventually found the JellyNeo forums, but I've stayed here for the community I already know. 

  4. Completely ignoring the Zebba and blinking hard against the headwind and her own tears, Flutter shrieks, "I WILL, YOOU BETTER HOOLD OON BRAIN TREE OOR I- I'LL KICK YOOUR ROTTEN TRUNK SOO HARD YOOU'LL FEEL IT IN THE AFTERLIFE!"  Banking sharply, she swoops over to Sophie the witch's shack.  Nearly collapsing in front of the green Ixi, the physically and emotionally exhausted Petpet gasps out, "Beast...struck the Brain Tree...he's hurt...it's really bad...you've goot to help him!  He'll die!"

    Sophie stands there impatiently with a hand on her hip. "I was told you would be here earlier. "In 30 minutes" They said. Now what was it? The Beast? That's what this is about? Well... I've had a bad experience with the Brain Tree. Why should I help him?"

  5. 0

    Flutter almost plummets as her wings lock in place.  She is both desperate to flee and to land, to...to at least find out what has happened to her closest and only friend.  Torn by indecision.  The Whoot lands, dazed, shaking slightly.  In the back of her mind, some remnant of her mind notes that the Meepit spoke to her in a chiding tone, as if she should have done better, nay, that she was somehow responsible for the tragedy by not finishing the 'race' before the timer ended.  As the Humans, Neopets, Petpets, and Petpetpets fled the scene past her, one almost trampling over her, the Whoot stares ahead blankly, not comprehending anything, wings dead at her sides.  She is blind to all but the horror of what lies ahead of her.  Her short stature is the only thing that keeps her from being trampled underfoot as the townsfolk stampede past, around and over her. 


    Suddenly, with a violent jerk and a piercing keen, the Whoot lunges into the sky once more, hoping, even praying, that she may find something.  Barring that, the Petpet vows to do all she can against the Beast, little as that will be.  Muscles already burning with overuse and fatigue, she flies through the pain towards the tree.

    A Zebba mysteriously appears flying next to you, shouting in the wind "Do you think you can do anything?! Do you think you have power?! YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE" It flies away into the wind


    The Brain Tree moans and screams "FLUTTER! GO FIND SOPHIE! MAYBE SHE CAN HELP!"

  6. After that quick glance at the map, your eyes widen and you drop it to the ground five feet below you, wary of what the timer is referring to.  As if on cue, the parchment fades from a pale yellow to a dark one, to brown then to black near the center, spreading slowly towards the corners.  Landing a good distance from the map, Flutter glares at the paper, believing it cursed in some fashion.  A faint hissing is heard from the map before a new timer appears, this one white on the blackened parchment, reading 15 seconds. 


    Getting a distinctly bad feeling about this, the Whoot swiftly decides that discretion is the better part of valor and launches her tired body back into the sky, boosted by fear-based adrenalin. 

    The timer ticks.




    Fear clouds you mind




    You glance down at the Haunted Woods you are leaving behind.




    A deep sound comes from the Haunted Woods




    You're gaze is inexplicably drawn to the Brain Tree.


    A bolt of lighting shoots and lands behind the Brain Tree


    The Brain Tree screams in fear and swings blindly behind him


    With as much speed as could be imagined you witness an odd indescribable creature ripping limbs off of the Brain Tree. You recall tales of The Beast That Lurks Behind the Tree, never had it been this violent. The Brain Tree cries out in pain as multiple lashes burst upon it. Limbs fly off in all directions and you begin to fear it is entirely lost. The townsfolk scream in fear running away, even the Esophagor tries to escape. 


    In your ear you hear the familiar voice of the Meepit whispering, "You should have moved faster"

  7. Mild


    "Well that was...odd," she mumbles as she opens the scroll of parchment.

    Mildly horrified by this sequence of events, Flutter shudders as she looks at the map, her feathers prickling between her wings, but out of sight, even when she turns her head towards her back.  'So much detail that Meepit, or anyone for that matter, has no buisness knowing to that degree.  I must keep this safe...but that time span is worrying, I may not be able to fly that fast for that far,' she thought, frowning. 

    Worried by the 'timer' she has been put under, the Whoot quickly scans the map and clenches it tightly in her front right claw, crumpling it slightly unconsciously in unease, she speeds off as quickly as she can towards the south-southwest as the map pointed. 

    You arrive at the Haunted Woods, and look at the map again. In the corner it reads "10 seconds" 

  8. An odd expression crosses Flutter's face as she considers the offer.  The giggling was starting to freak her out a little and if she wasn't somewhat desperate for the map, she would probably just have flown away as soon as possible. 


    She glances at the Meepit's paws, looking first to the map, which, as her inner cynicism told her, may not even be to the right place, in the same language, or even contain a map at all.  One could never be too careful.  She could not make out anything written on the parchment, as it was tightly rolled and held in the Faerie Meepit's paw.  Not noticing any visual cues from the Petpet that would point to deception, nor any thing else it could be carrying, she stiffened and nodded sharply, muttering, "Fine, let's get this oover with."

    The Meepit reacts with incredible glee, and quickly flies forward. The Meepit hands you the map then flies behind you and rubs a paw over your body. You feel a slight pain on your back, quickly turning around the Meepit is gone completely. 

    Unrolling the map you see that it is incredibly detailed, perhaps weirdly detailed. It dictates the houses of each and every Neopian, and even shows every shop and has notes on who works there. A red arrow pointing in the exact direction of the Brain Tree catches your eye, the map is written showing your exact location and even the direction you were facing at the time the Meepit showed up. 

    On the top right of the map it reads in big bold font "30 minutes. Move fast."

  9. ooc: So they're both just randomly flying above Neopia Central and no one notices?  Lol.  Also Meepits apparently now read thoughts O.O


    Startled badly, Flutter squawks and almost stalls, then flaps giddily to regain her altitude, swerving around to face the Meepit in the process.  'How'd the Meepit know that?!' she demanded of herself, before addressing the Faerie Petpet.  "What buisness does a Faerie have in the Haunted Woods?" she stated, eyes narrowing, "And what would the 'price' you speak of be?"

    The Meepit giggles slightly.

    "Well, my reasons for being in the Haunted Woods are my own. And as for the price, nothing big at all." At this the Meepit giggles a little bit more. "I merely need for you to let me pet you for a few seconds. You have such a beautiful coat of feathers, and it has been so long since I've felt anything soft." The Meepit gestures to a map in it's paw, "What do you say?"

  10. Sitting on a low-hanging branch of a leafy beech tree that hung over the side of the town square, Flutter pondered her current situation. 'Well I've escaped the Petpet shop for now, thank goodness, but that green Uzul may wise up to that at any moment, especially since I didn't think I had the time to attempt to latch the cage again.' Letting out a breath of relief at being free from a cage again, the Whoot fluffed her brown feathers against a breeze that shifted the branch she was perched upon slightly. Narrowing her eyes in thought, she figured that her escape would be detected within minutes, and unfurled and lifted her wings in preparation to fly off, hopefully back in the direction of the Haunted Woods. Unfortunately, the cage the poachers had used to transport her was covered and stacked among other Petpets' they had 'acquired,' and she did not have a clue as to which direction to fly. Lifting off anyways, she circled Neopia Central trying to find some sort of map.

    A small voice appears behind you. "so... You're looking for the haunted woods I suppose? Maybe I could help you. I know the way there, and I'd be more than willing to give you a map... For a price."

    Glancing in the direction of the voice you see it: A Fairy Meepit.

  11. Sorry if this is too off-topic, I just figured this topic is already about Trudy's Surprise, so I don't see an immediate problem with asking about it in here.

    Is there some kind of requirement for doing Trudy's Surprise? My sibling doesn't seem to have access to it (My sibling is younger than 13 if that helps)


    Also I got 5000 Neopoints and a Basic Gift Box on day... 3? 4? Can't recall.



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