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Posts posted by techwreck15

  1. For anyone who does not yet have this avatar, there is a Darigan pteri who has just turned 644 days old! Visit here to get the avatar: http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Spayara

    EDIT: I didn't see the other post in this forum that says exactly the same thing. Sorry for the repost, but I do feel that this is somewhat important information to spread.
    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    There is already a thread linking to a current Darigan Pteri. Please only post there.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Spritzie if you have any questions regarding this action.

  2. Thanks for the input!


    Neopets is heavily flash-based, but surprisingly almost all of its most popular features are usable, if clunky, without flash. Really the only things that don't work are the flash-based games, the wheels, and the maps - almost everything else works fine without flash.


    I've tried Puffin before, but it was pretty awkward to use, and I had to remove it because I don't have enough storage space on my phone (and can't really delete any of my apps). Although a lot of the flash-based content would be really awkward to use on a mobile device, I suppose I should specify that some of the content (specifically, maps and the wheels) would be fairly easy to use. I don't really want to do that until I can confirm that they so work on Android, though, and I can't test that.


    The purpose for this project is really to showcase what is capable on Neopets without Flash. What really surprised me when I started working on this is that almost all of the most popular Dailies work perfectly fine without Flash, and I wanted to share that realization. Now, although the title says this is specifically for mobile devices, I should specify that it also helps some computer users as well, since the lag on the site makes some of the flash content slow and virtually unusable, sometimes even with ad blockers active.

  3. Hello!


    Since my computer broke yesterday, my only access to Neopets has been through my phone, which unfortunately limits what I can do on the site. However, I've found that a lot of my common activities are actually still available on mobile platforms. Although there is no mobile site, and the site is a bit clunky on mobile devices, the functionality is still there.


    Now, because a lot of the site (specifically the maps and games) doesn't play well with mobile devices, I decided to start compiling a list of mobile-friendly pages on the Neopets website. I started this for personal use, but I decided to go ahead and share it since I'm sure I'm not the only person who uses Neopets on a mobile device. It is still highly incomplete, so I decided to give the link-sharing the ability to edit to make this a bit more of a community effort.


    If you contribute to the project, be sure to note in the credits who you are and what you've done so everyone can appreciate your contribution!


    Here's the link to the project (written in the Google Docs mobile app): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-KMzgIUzmkmuRwlxBUiDdFz_d430t8iN1ddawItFBQU/edit?usp=docslist_api


    I will be keeping backups of this project, so if at any time something happens to the original document (my biggest concern is trolls), I will share the backup with link editing turned off.

  4. Thanks for the feedback, Pikky! I hope that's just because of the move. Of course, with such a relatively small staff and such a large number of users, you can't really blame them...

    I did say the name in my last post, but I'll say it again here as my last post was a bit bulky. The name that was removed was "Avacine".
    EDIT: Yay! I checked Neopets on my phone and found that they responded to my ticket and gave me back my pet! Thanks for the support everyone!
    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Songbirdsara).
    The original topic is now answered and will be closed.
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    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Songbirdsara if you have any questions regarding this action.

  5. @hrtbrk: I'm sorry to hear that! I suspected something similar would be the case, but I thought it may be an issue on their end after my research. I've already decided making a new pet would be the best option, but unfortunately my computer just stopped working (AGAIN) so I guess I'll have to wait anyway. Just my luck. :/


    @EmeraldDestiny2015: It's definitely frustrating. I was just about to start customizing her too. I'm just glad I didn't put anything on before they removed her!


    I intentionally omitted this detail earlier just to be sure I wasn't breaking any rules, but I'm pretty sure it's a safe detail to share now. The name that was (supposedly) inappropriate is "Avacine," a name that is partially (but completely unintentionally) inspired by the name "Avacyn" from the Magic: The Gathering (MTG) card game.


    In any case, thanks to everyone for your help. I'll try to get one of my two computers fixed up so I can get back to Neopets as soon as possible. Maybe my support ticket will be processed by then!

  6. @Rinielle - Thanks for the fast response, and glad to hear you got your account back.


    I've checked the name several times, and even ran it through an online anagram finder just to make sure I didn't miss anything, but I still can't find anything even the least bit inappropriate about it. 


    @Mouseykins - Unless their filter has a random nonsense word or one I have never heard before, I don't see how that could be the case. I've tried to find any words inside the name I chose, but I couldn't find anything that wasn't either a common word like "in" or simply a string of nonsense characters. I'll do some more research just to make sure though.


    EDIT: I just did some research on every possible linear combination of letters in the name in question, and I still didn't find anything definitively inappropriate. The only things that seem even the least bit controversial are:


    • An organization for the prevention of HIV and AIDS
    • A Sanskrit word meaning "speech" or personified by a goddess
    • A common abbreviation that refers to a form of anarchism and to the Latin "Ante Christum," meaning "Before Christ"; also refers to Accentuating current, air conditioning, etc.
    • A medical abbreviation referring to cervical dysplasia


    I doubt if any of those are valid enough to have actually been put into the filter, though, as they are all rather vague, and most of them, with the exception of the very first one, are parts of other, more common words. 


    I'm really hopeful that this was just a glitch or some other fault on TNT's end so I can still use the name I picked (because, quite frankly, I really like it), but I guess only time will tell. In any case, thanks for answering everyone!

  7. Hi everyone!


    Yesterday I decided to create a new Vandagyre on my side account. So I did. But about five minutes later, she was suddenly removed and I got a notification from TNT saying my pet's name was somehow inappropriate and that my account is in now in danger of being frozen, but I can't figure out how in the world her name could possibly be construed as inappropriate in any way. So I submitted a support ticket to TNT asking if the name is actually inappropriate or if that was simply a mistake. 


    So now, background out of the way, here's my question: With the move to JumpStart still in progress, and with the site as... well, broken as it is, does TNT still check/respond to support tickets? 

  8. That makes sense. Especially since both of the PHP errors (or, perhaps, both links to the PHP error, since they appear to have the same destination) point to a non-existent page on Neopets.


    Perhaps the issue is that today's Featured Game is from the *nonexistent* Jelly World.

  9. I'm really glad of that. I've been trying to fix so many computer issues lately I feel like I'm on a wild goose chase. One fewer problem is always a good sign.


    In other news, I noticed that the games list at the bottom of the dailies list is also gone. It says there's an error in line 113 of the PHP code, which I'm sure is relevant to the sidebar problem as well.


    My guess is that someone edited the code recently and accidentally made a logic error. If so, it will probably take a while to fix. Looking through a few thousand or hundred thousand lines of code for what could be as simple as a missing semi-colon ( ; ) takes a long time and is really quite frustrating. 

  10. I noticed when I checked the Dailies page today that the sidebar is no longer present. It loads normally when I open the home page, but disappears when I access the dailies page. This problem is present in both Chromium (the Arch Linux version of Chrome) and Firefox browsers. Is anyone else experiencing this, or is something (else) going wrong with my computer (again)? 



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