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Posts posted by Tayloroo

  1. I had my four wisdom teeth removed like 3 months ago and you have no idea how much that sucked :( 
    I pretty much lived off of yogurt and icecream for like 5 days until I couldn't take it anymore and went ham on some chicken fajitas (LOL.. bad idea) ;w; 
    If he likes cheese, tell him to try those laughing cow cheese roll things! They're super yummy and they're really soft (it's like cream cheese consistency, but maybe a bit softer~)

  2. Aww, welcome to the forums! :D
    I know what you mean! I've always played neopets on/off since I was little, but not until recently did I notice (or really look into it) that there were so many neopets communities >u< But maybe that's just because of my shyness, haha 
    Good luck getting your dream pets! Are you saving up for any in particular right now? (:

  3. Take a look at TDN's guide for Trudy's Surprise, here: http://thedailyneopets.com/articles/trudys-surprise/. Basically, Trudy's Surprise is on a 25 day cycle. Each consecutive day played, the NP "winnings" increase, but they do max out (somewhat) from days 10 thru 24. But, on the 25th consecutive day, you can win 100K NP! If you miss a day, though, you start back at day 1. Also, have the chance of randomly winning a NC "gift box".


    EDIT: Play on yuor "main" account, only, and Trudy's Surprise can be "disabled" on side accounts.

    Oh, thank you very much! (: I'll definitely look into this O:

    I'm pretty sure I've won 19-21k multiple times, so I guess I've been consecutively doing it on accident this whole time x w x haha


    And yeah, I've already disabled it on my sides (: Thanks~

  4. This is just a copy & paste from a post I made that was supposed to be over here:

    So, I'm not sure if you guys know about this, but the stock market is glitched in every language besides English ;w; (apparently they're all stuck or something, i'm not exactly sure..) 

    And while normally this isn't an issue, I've been trying to obtain the The Mystery Island Mystic avatar from quite some time now, which requires me to change my language to get a second attempt (See where this is going yet? D:)
    Well! Because of all the weird site glitches, sometimes when I change my language, it just auto reverts back to the foreign language no matter how many times I repeatedly push "English" SO frustrating  :P haha
    So when I loaded my stock market page (in english) I noticed I had 8,000 shares to sell at +73 profit, yay!.. except NOT yay, because once I sold my shares the next page loaded in FRENCH AGAIN and sold all of my shares for 14,000 each  :( *sobs* 
    What a bummer! 
    Anyways, just a friendly warning to make sure you DON'T mess with your language settings if you're doing anything with the stock market! I'd suggest clearing your cookies after changing if you have the same issue as me  :P

  5. So, I'm not sure if you guys know about this, but the stock market is glitched in every language besides English ;w; (apparently they're all stuck or something, i'm not exactly sure..) 
    And while normally this isn't an issue, I've been trying to obtain the The Mystery Island Mystic avatar from quite some time now, which requires me to change my language to get a second attempt (See where this is going yet? D:)
    Well! Because of all the weird site glitches, sometimes when I change my language, it just auto reverts back to the foreign language no matter how many times I repeatedly push "English" SO frustrating :P haha
    So when I loaded my stock market page (in english) I noticed I had 8,000 shares to sell at +73 profit, yay!.. except NOT yay, because once I sold my shares the next page loaded in FRENCH AGAIN and sold all of my shares for 14,000 each :( *sobs* 
    What a bummer! 
    Anyways, just a friendly warning to make sure you DON'T mess with your language settings if you're doing anything with the stock market! I'd suggest clearing your cookies after changing if you have the same issue as me :P
    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    If you find any issues, errors, or glitches on Neopets, please post them in our Official Neopets down/having issues board.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Spritzie if you have any questions regarding this action.

  6. I actually asked this question a little while ago on the boards! People on there told me that I shouldn't hide or change any of my pets names/stats that are on my actual account but the side pets you can link/write anything.. I'm not sure how correct this information was, but I'm always scared of getting frozen so I just left everything on mine and followed their advice T__T

    It looks nicer how you have it though~ ( which btw, your lookup is super cute! (: )

  7. I'm not sure if the shield reflects ;w; The guide I'm using says they both don't have any special effects, but I guess it could be outdated or something! The only thing it mentions is that the shield is the easier option because the materials are typically easier to obtain~
    I'm not 100% positive about what items you should be throwing away, but I'm pretty sure the only items you need to keep are "Glowing Stones" and the rest you can toss (as long as you don't need them for your later equips)~

  8. Hey guys~ (: I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find an answer anywhere ;w;
    A few years ago I made a new account because I disliked the name I had on my original Neopets account from when I was little.. the only issue is that I had at least 1-2m NP in my stock market! O: Once I made the switch to my new account, I basically just sold EVERYTHING that was either 0% profit or more (and nothing that would have given me a loss, since that would have been a lot of NP).. Now whenever I log on that account to use the lab ray, I just go ahead and sell things that won't give me a loss :x
    I know that using the stock market on more than one account is bannable, but if I didn't do this, then all of that NP would be stuck :( I don't ever buy anymore shares or anything, I'm just trying to get it all out of there! Do you think I should just leave what's left..? Or maybe just sell it all? T__T ahhh

  9. Hi! I'm not sure which guide you're using, but the one I'm using recommends heading to Edge City and upgrading your level 6 armor for one of the level 10 armors (Both are the exact same):

    Dawnshine Generator Shield - Spider Leg, Spider Pincer, Cobra Fang, and Iguana Eye

    Sorcerous Robe - Giant Spider Blood, Cobra Venom, Iguana Spit, Crystallized Mummy Blood


    After that your next staff/wand upgrade is at the Temple of Roo where you can have Erick craft you a Life Staff with the items: Growing Jewel, Carved Oaken Staff, and Coruscating Gem

  10. Yeah, the change to Jumpstart was definitely the biggest change~
    Habitarium has been removed permanently (or at least that's what I've been hearing) and Keyquest as well as a few other things are down for a while until all of the bugs have been fixed~ 
    Oh also, I'm not sure if TNT has addressed this yet, but new accounts are currently unable to be made because access codes aren't being sent out/recieved :x 

  11. Aww, welcome back!! (: Yeah, things are pretty different now compared to the old days~ Though I honestly didn't really understand much back then anyways, and I thought I was filthy rich because I managed to save a whole 25k.. LOL *facepalm*
    I've been playing for years but I'm still pretty noobish on neopets since I sort of just do my own thing u w u hehe

  12. I'm not sure if there's currently a glitch with the lab ray, but I've been zapping mine every day and haven't had any problems ;w; 
    Could just be a matter of bad luck :( Though I'm pretty sure I've had around 6 zaps in a row and nothing happening before, but I honestly don't really pay attention~

  13. Does this affect Plushie Tycoon updates...? My cash was running low...

    I'm wondering the SAME thing :\

    And isn't today the last day for plushie tycoon (for the month)? This was my first time ever really trying it.. what a bummer! T__T haha

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