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Everything posted by violetcatastrophe

  1. Great question! I love the wheels too, one of the best parts of Neopia. Meerca Chase II is my favourite game, because I have such fond memories of playing it with everyone who had "Snake" on their phone. That's how I would show off the site in the mid-aughts. Now, it's the fastest way for me to complete the "Play a Game" daily quest, and I sometimes get a higher score than my Neofriends. It's the only game I play these days and it makes me so happy
  2. Check them out! I started focusing on this goal when at 200 void points when I got the Triclopstar. Won the Draphly in Coincidence and tried to trade it for almost every part. Once the customs were complete I made the Peophin (on Peophin day) and happened to also have to Valentines Brush, So that custom is brand new and needs work. I had the pink petpet paint brush too which I used on the Delfin, so I am committed to my 7th pet haha (I thought the 6th would be the last.) Raskaell is from my older account, and Kasiolympa is my main main. See them better via my userlookup: https://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=violetcatastrophe Thanks I knew there was one left out! The glack was the hardest to get. I traded my weekly prize of Robot zapppermajig but it was worth it. The Stealth Kookith I've had a long time and Cosmiasma was zapped stealth, so glack is perfect LMAO this post did not age well. Beautiful lovely P3s in the void shop if you want to get the look
  3. Team Kreludor to the moon!
  4. Ok, just found a bunch more: Polar Void Background A Voider Void Coin Void Rift Snowglobe (Edit: OMG theres a "Void Quantum Blaster" I'm freaking out) Adding: Void Haze Filter
  5. So I was looking for some random "Void" themed gifts for my neofriends, and this happened. Basically what the heck is the "Void Dampener Prototype"? Probably a new plot battledome item! Maybe you all might find other new/future objects by using the SSW "containing my phase" feature... (Maybe I'm being overdramatic, it's happened before)
  6. I don't know the rules, but my personal opinion is that TNT should/could have just removed the flash player boxes from pages if they didn't want users accessing them with extensions. I think they want you to use flash-replacement extensions to enjoy the site so they can keep dragging their feet on updating. If it's unfair to other users that's TNTs fault not yours.
  7. I'm loving these quests. My conspiracy theory is that they are overloading the site on purpose to justify new spending for servers and stuff. Maybe they have to get everyone online to show their bosses how much traffic we are REALLY capable of, or they just need accurate high-traffic numbers to plan the next scheduled upgrade. Just a guess!
  8. This is so cute! Question: It says the pet cannot be a lab rat. All (4) of my pets are zapped until I find a color to stick with. Are they lab rats? I have a Halloween Scorchio and my main pet is currently a Tyrannian Nimmo which is ugly but I made her look beautiful until she changes species again. So I guess could you just explain the concept behind the no lab rat rule?
  9. I would like to get some excitement going for Team Kreludor! Our logo is a moon yooyuball? That's Sick! Orange and purple look good together and there are stars. Come be a good alien with me! Fight for Kreludor
  10. The one about finding love when you're not actively looking for it. If you are in the mindset of "wanting a relationship" then you are more likely to ignore red flags and incompatibilities in the name of "making it work." I met my fiance on tinder, both of us were just looking to rebound after bad relationships and it turns out he's my soul mate. I was able to see him for who he really was (my perfect partner) because I was actually looking at him instead of constantly watching "the relationship." I hope that makes sense and helps! Previously I had only dated men I had been friends with before, but I wasn't getting the princess treatment I wanted (because I was "one of the guys") so finding someone I hadn't met was actually better for me. edit to add: "If you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?" - RuPaul Charles
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