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Posts posted by rubyredflamingfire

  1. Hey so I tried to recover my account by taking the first step of making a new account to submit my ticket to TNT but I can't even make a new account. I can't get past step 1/4 of making a new account. I make a unique username and put in a valid format password but it brings me back to page 1/4 again, but this time the unique username I chose just like 2 seconds ago is taken. I tried this 4 times, and it happened each time.



    Should I just try resetting my password?




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  2. Gosh, my account must look pretty dodgy at the moment.  I decided I was going to overhaul my gallery and change the entire focus from plushies to lollies, so I took everything out of my gallery and put it in my SDB and I'm beginning to build a lolly gallery.  Not that I had anything particularly rare or anything in my gallery, but the activity might have looked suspicious...


    I'm so sorry for our two affected players, enitul and rubyredflamingfire.  This is getting way past ridiculous.  I've been beginning to wonder (here goes my conspiracy theory!) if this isn't some kind of long-term harrassment strategy meant to ultimately undermine the neopets business model by getting people so annoyed they begin to leave the site in droves.  Neopets is a going concern, they need players and they need site traffic.  Hacking seems like a silly and stupid thing for someone to do, maybe an ego boost for the person who did the hack, but what if this was actually done from a malicious place and, because the nuisance factor of it outweighs the criminal, it gets dismissed?  Like a slow, low-level sabotage? 

    *thus endeth the conspiracy theory*


    I'm glad to hear you've got support and good advice in this place.  Keep us updated!


    I'll run with your conspiracy theory for a moment, let me add this, what if it was a disgruntled but very capable TNT member that was fired, but knows Neopets's weaknesses and is now trying to take down Neopets for revenge. Now that would be a juicy story lol, and as improbable it may be, TNT would never admit that that's what happened if that were the case.


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  3. this problem has been going on for over a month now .. 


    lots of accounts are being hacked .. esp. those that didn't change their passwords since 2012 .. (there seems to be some security breach) ..


    i lost 3 side accounts myself and had to wait for about 20 days before staff member Alice gave me back my accounts ..


    if you're Premium then another staff member (Tony) is handling those ..


    hackers seem to be be using bots to empty shops/galleries into SDB's ... sometimes they are after some specific expensive items ..


    your pets and wearables will most probably b untouched ..


    submit your ticket .. notify them on facebook .. and after a couple days you can contact them on [email protected]


    don't lose hope .. Alice is working really hard to help everyone ..

    Wow. As I learn more, it keeps getting worse and worse. This is a nightmare. 


    Yeah, I haven't changed my password ever lol. Well they won't find anything rare in my account since I'm not a collector. What kind of pathetic person would hack for neopets items? Jeeze 


    I'm wondering if TNT will return lost items??? 

  4. Yes, it is a completely new account.  The hunger of your pets will drop while your account is disabled, but there is nothing you can do about it.  Your pets will NOT die no matter how long it takes.  Once you get your account back, you can feed your pets and they will be fine.  Good luck.


    Because your account is disabled, it is not a glitch.  Follow the steps Mouseykins gave you.


    Rubyredflamingfire, yours is not a glitch either.  Your account is disabled too. :sad02:  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


    Dang, well I just confirmed it's a mass deactivation purge that has been going on for the past few days. If you hit up the neopets facebook page, and click "most recent" in the comments section of the most latest post by Neopets, there are a TON of people who had their accounts deactivated in the past few days like 13 year old accounts that are premium members and stuff. One was saying they weren't going to renew premium since they didn't have access to their account. Neopets runs on loyal users, so TNT dun messed up big time.

  5. I tried to view your user lookup, but it says your acccount has been disabled. :(


    Perhaps it's been frozen for your protection. Try sending in a support ticket (from a side account) and contacting Neopets on Facebook.

    I hope this'll be resolved soon!

    I'm having the same problem! I never log out of my account, and was signed in yesterday night, but when I went on Neopets right now (3pm CST) I had been logged out and my password was not working. I think this is a site glitch... And those experiencing this problem probably can't mention it on the NP community boards either unless they have more than 1 account.


    I'll wait and see what happens I think. It's just going to be a bummer that I'll miss Trudy's Surprise since I was close to 100K. 

  6. I have seen topics/posts on the "Help" Neoboards, where some have said they have received the 100K on the 25th day, of Trudy's Surprise. As the change was made around 1 July, those who have been spinning daily, and not had any glitches, are starting to reach their 25 day cycles. Personally, I have not completed a 25 day cycle, since the change. As Trudy's now resets at midnight NST, I did miss a day and had to start over. I am in the day 10 to day 25 range, as I have been getting 18.5 to 19K NP, now. Is it possible you missed a day?


    I had glitches for almost a week once they made the change, and wasn't able to spin on those days thus disrupting my cycle and resting back to day 1, but since I've been able to I have been spinning daily. It's so bizarre. At that time when the glitches were happening some people had no problem, and now some people were still able to get the 100 K. 

  7. I got a retired paintbrush a few years ago from the Fruit Machine after playing several years on and off. I think I sold it for 80K or 60K which was decent considering that it was retired. 



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  8. Dude I've been playing twice or three times a day for the past 7 months at least. And still haven't won NC. This is the most I've played Neopets continuously in ages. I can't justify buying NC because I don't have job right now and I can't waste my family's hard earned money on virtual reality stuff. They should give out some NC during the Advent Calendar each year. ALAS!

  9. I have a habit of spending np on neohome items, which is usually spurred on by visiting my neohome where I decide what else I need to buy. So what works for me is to avoid places on neopets that put me "in the mood" to spend np. Also, I visit the trading post often or even daily to check the price of the morphing potions I want to help remind me exactly how much I need to be able to buy those items. 


    I think you actually have it a little easy considering how well Trudy's Surprise gives out neopoints. It took me several years of saving and winning a paintbrush from the Fruit Machine worth 80k for me to able to buy all my map pieces in 2014. I actually don't think it was worth it personally. I want very specific neopet colors, but species changes and stat decreases are way to common for my taste. I haven't zapped my pets since this spring because I don't want them to change species. Maybe you have already considered this, but maybe morphing potions will be a better choice? They're usually much cheaper than paint brushes and you're guaranteed to get that color/species combo when you use it. Not to mention all paint brushes and morphing potions are getting more and more affordable, especially with the help of Trudee's surprise. 


    I have 2 million right now thanks to Trudee's surprise, purely doing my dalies, and getting and selling a Pirate Draik Egg from anchor managment.I'm waiting for mp's to depreciate some more and save more money before buying an Island Krawk Morphing Potion which is like 1.3 million right now. :D 

  10. I just got TWO prizes from snowager. I'm talking about my main account and in one attempt to get a prize from the Snowager.


    It said I won a cheap earth ring but when i went to check my inventory immediately after getting the ring. Another item had also been added right after the ring was added to my inventory which a was a blue canon or something. (You know how the newest item in your inventory is on the top most left, yeah the blue canon was there and then it was the ring to the exact right of it)


    I did not get any random events either, so that wasn't it. Crazy glitches!

  11. I'm trying to get the Mad Scientist as a challenger, but I haven't had luck getting him by refreshing the lab ray page continuously


    I'm pretty sure I had him as a challenger before the new Battledome, but none of my old challengers are there anymore.


    Does anyone else have trouble getting certain challengers because the site is glitchy? Or is this normal?


    Thanks for your input!


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