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Posts posted by Buffy

  1. Although I've not had this misfortune, I've always been an avid help boards consultant during my active time throughout the decade I've been at Neo and have heard few success stories in cases of lost accounts. 

    Your best chance is to consult the link @Nielo provided as well as post your ticket number and status in the following thread on the help boards:


    Supposedly, this does draw TNT's attention. 

    Best of luck. 

  2. On 5/6/2016 at 6:24 PM, Buffy said:

    For the first time in ten years, I do have a pet name that I'd like to change. I nearly pounded him yesterday but had forgotten that done some decently valuable work on him. I'd zapped him quite a few times to get his color and he has a strong petpet I'd been using in the petpet battles. 

    Because of the zapper he's currently the wrong gender but I'm working on that. I'm training him to battle the lab ray scientist. 

    Wow. Forgot I'd posted this and just last night, I caved and pounded the pet and recreated it with the name I preferred. 

    It wasn't so much the color that mattered but the clothing that came with the color which I got to keep and I can get the Petpet to level 3 again. 

  3. I've just started reading 'The Host' by Stephanie Meyer. Yeah the Twilight author and no, I'm not a Twilight fan. Not anymore. I awoke from that idiocy coma 5 years ago. 

    A lot of folks find 'The Host' better than 'Twilight' so I thought I'd give it a try. 

  4. For the first time in ten years, I do have a pet name that I'd like to change. I nearly pounded him yesterday but had forgotten that done some decently valuable work on him. I'd zapped him quite a few times to get his color and he has a strong petpet I'd been using in the petpet battles. 

    Because of the zapper he's currently the wrong gender but I'm working on that. I'm training him to battle the lab ray scientist. 

  5. I've checked on a couple of pets I've pounded a few times. 


    The first was a pet I'd lost trying to transfer it between accounts while converting this one from a side to my main. This was when I first made the account back in '06 so the transfer feature in the pound had not existed and one had to just a roll the dice. 

    I'd initially checked its whereabouts to find out who the adopting user was to contact them explaining the situation and requesting its return. Remember this was me as a noob, I honestly didn't know I wasn't allowed to do that even in the case of a transfer fail but the user never responded anyway so it was of no consequence. Which was most likely because the user was not active.


    I'd checked up on the pet a couple more times over the years to find it had been untouched and upon the last check discovered the account had been frozen. 

    I'd ended up remaking the pet with an underscore to just subtly differentiate the same name and still have him to this day. I still consider him to be my first pet despite that literally, the original was and adore him.  


    Second, was a pet I'd created with the same name as my account. This time, I'd only checked on it out of curiosity, I'd intended to relinquish it and harbored no regret. The new owner did change its species and color but otherwise, it as well was untouched and again on my last check the account turned up frozen. 


    I've never adopted ergo no, I've never been contacted by an adopted pet's previous owner. 

  6. Other than to convert my current, 9.5-year-old account from a side to my main (which happened back when I first made it) I've never switched between accounts and hardly use my one side but this account has NEVER experienced real good fortune apart from being seemingly immune to bad fortune such as being hacked, wrongfully frozen or purged during my multiple absences.  


    For example, I've never during my active periods received a Fountain Fairy quest yet while hanging around the help forums I'd see several Fountain Fairy Quest help threads at a time. It was quite frustrating and I've gottem more undesirable REs than desirable. 

  7. Neopets released "Ghoul Catchers" for Facebook and iPhone/iPad. Soon to be released for Android, Amazon, and Windows Phone. You can read a little more about it and issues some TDN'ers are having here: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/44088-ghoul-catchers/. If playing from Facebook on a computer, it uses "Unity". My apologies if this is off topic.


    To stay on topic, I'm sorry to see anyone go, but I can understand your frustruations, Lady Lyuba. When you reach the point that something is not longer fun, then it is a good time for a break. Hopefully you will still pop in on TDN and say "Hi!"?


    Ah, I've heard about this Ghoul Catchers and that it may be the cause of some of the glitches or at least is part of them. There have been reports of prizes not being awarded properly. Seeing as I'm not having glitch issues and very little lag I may give it a go.

  8. It apparently has to do with the premium toolbar. Disable it and you should be good.


    But, caio. Good luck. ^_^

    That actually makes sense, now that I think about it over at the neoboards there was topic about specifically premium accounts having log-in trouble. I'm not premium so that explains why I am not having that particular issue.


    I'm sorry to see people quit. I'm going nowhere. :) I'm used to frustration, I raised children AND worked for the government. :P


    I don't know why some have trouble and some don't. I don't seem to have much lag at all and no loading issues. Over the weekend I had zero lag. I've played the new app Ghouls game and receive my prizes and points immediately into my Neopets account so I don't know why I am ok and others aren't. I'm playing the app game on Facebook if that makes a difference.




    Same here, I am having very mild lag experiences and zero page loading issues. Are you premium? I'm not and am wondering if that issue is also linked to the heavier difficulties premium members are having. If you are not premium and the OP is that would certainly be fitting evidence.




    My big issues of angst right now are the constant complaining and the people who won't let go of the changes issue. I'm getting more than a little tired of that. I think the communication with players is now adequate for the situation and I appreciate it. It's more than we've ever had.

    Other than that, I roll with the punches.


    Same, the Neoboards are full of negativity, several members are still not convinced that the ship isn't going down and remain in doomsday mode. How messed up is it that one of the most pessimistic people on the planet (Yup that would be moi) is actually one of few there with a positive attitude towards the change to come!? A new content writer just begun at JS and upon their very first news post there was a freaking lynch mob ready with their pitchforks and nooses over a few minor term errors and a bland tone!

    It's not like Neopets has never been through dramatic changes before, doesn't anyone remember the site design change and the pet conversions? I'm pretty sure JS isn't even planning anything close to that! But because they layed off TNT they are getting all the smack! I get why that was an upsetting move but maybe they have a valid reason. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if JS wouldn't have been able to meet TNT's salary needs.


    It's ticking me off that no one wants to see what they dish out before lynching them!


    There's an app on Facebook? Hmm, I may have to check that out.

  9. I'm sorry you are one of the unfortunate who are having to struggle more to participate on the site than others like myself. I've had no problem accessing the site since my return and today has actually been a pretty mild day for me lag-wise. My only real issue is that this is day three that I am unable to receive a daily faerie quest out of five that I have tried since my return. I don't mind that too much though.

    You are not alone though most of the neoboards are in doomsday mode.


    I'm on Subeta as well, and also mostly for the forums. My name is Reluctant_Psychic, please feel free to friend me.

  10. Actually there are folks over there who associate the almost year of glitches with the released of something called Ghoul Catchers. I've read comments that it didn't launch well and apparently that's when all this begun. It was even suggested that JS might have put too much resources into this Ghoul Catchers. There are also horrible glitches such as being unable to view user lookups and inability to reset forgotten passwords. Many glitches were supposedly fixed but there are still many more and new ones keep emerging.


    Let's recall when it was announced that Viacom had bought Neo, everyone freaked out then but it turned out fine. Sure this time it's come with some unsettling glitches, so the feeling of impending doom is kind of understandable, but we still gotta give Neo some credit for how long it's lasted already in spite of all it's been through. I mean come on, the world didn't end in 2012 did it? To fear the worst is to create the worst.


    The only concern needs to lie with the fate of the premium status, apparently a lot of the glitches came with premium releases and there are a lot of players over there concerned about the fate of the site based on how much money they've spent on it, some premium and at least one person has expressed having cancelled their premium membership but here's the highlight, the same player has every intention of re-buying their premium status if this all blows over. I'm sure others must feel the same. So while no one is going to want to buy premium now which could be a bit of a problem, it's popularity is still there and will once again attract folks if this whole thing clears up.


    Basically as long as there are plenty of players willing to buy premium status for a quality game, that is a strong reason for them to feel motivated to get it running again. Everything is about money these days. Although it's been expressed that a lot of opportunities to appeal to the customer and take advantage of Neo's full potential have been missed even under viacom. So we can't make any presumptions but maybe JS will prove themselves to be smarter and get their act together.


    That's not to say that there isn't some sense in being prepared for the site to be shut down but we can still hope. A wise saying from an 11 year old girl on Food Network: Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

  11. I must shamefully admit that I've dabbled in torrent downloading, mostly for a single television show that hadn't had its DVD/Blu-ray release yet, but I've never used utorrent and thanks to you Shane, that's a source I shall avoid on my Acer laptop. It's five years old and already been infected with viruses in the past, I haven't been as careful lately as I was when I first bought it especially since switching to primarily using a macbook I was given from my mother's office a few years ago.


    I've never heard of Steam but that sounds like so many stories I used to read of hacking scams on Neopets back when I was an active participant in the help boards several years ago. Refraining from clicking off-site links from unfamiliar users is a common sense thing really but sadly a lot of people somehow lack it.

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