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Posts posted by SillySilenia

  1. Oh gosh, this is so lovely of you! c: My userlookup is linked right over to the left.


    I would like to draw for you too, would it be okay if I drew Woogryn?

    Aww, thanks. <3


    Certainly, feel free to go ahead! Art is always welcome. =) (I just hope you won't be disappointed at the art I'll be getting you in return. :P)

  2. Although I do frequently draw, due to my years-long-absence from Neopets I have become remarkably rusty when it comes to drawing Neopets. Since I'm looking to get back into practice, I decided I may as well do it in the form of freebies for you lovely TDN-folks.


    Rules (most of these probably go without saying, but never hurts to be careful)

    - I don't pretend your pet is mine, you don't claim my artwork is yours.

    - I cannot guarantee the quality of my drawings, what with this being practice because I'm rusty.

    - If you don't have your Neopets' username linked underneath your name, you'll have to get it to me some other way so I can look at your pets, since I am not psychic. ;)

    - I draw whichever pets catch my interest/I feel are somewhat within my abilities to draw and may do so out of order of posting. Posting here is not a guarantee I'll draw your pet. Me drawing a pet by someone who posted later than you did does however not automatically mean yours won't be considered.

    - Art may be digital or traditional or a mixture, depending on my mood.


    Requirements (really simple, I promise you):

    - Having a TDNForums account.

    - Having a Neopets account with at least one Neopet.

    - Having read, understood and agreed to the abovementioned rules.

    - Posting in this thread.

    (Told you they were simple, no? :P)


  3. I had a bunch of R90s and I didnt get anything more than a stamp worth 60K... I considered buying some R90s from shops when they were 20Kish out of desperation, but honestly it seems too iffy based off what my results were already. Buying stamps is the way to go if youre collecting. The only thing is. Who knows if they'll go down or up in price after the event. Its hard to say. The economy is so shifty I'm scared to put my points anywhere lol. Good luck I hope your choices pay off.

    While with the Neopian economy you can never be sure, logic would suggest that they continue going down for a bit after the influx of new stamps stops (because not everyone who gains one and wants to sell it is going to do it right now), then after supply slowly starts decreasing, prices ought to go back up for a bit, though likely they won't reach their original heights any time soon. Especially because stamps are permanent fixtures to the stamp album, and thus most people who have bought it will not ever need to buy another of the same stamp again (with exception of those that like to hoard them in the SDB or have a stamp-themed gallery, but even those won't likely need more than two or three of the same stamp), which means demand will be lower-than-usual for a bit, even taking into account that it is offset in part by the prices being lower and thus people who otherwise would not have been interested looking to buy one after all.


    But since it is Neopets, you can never be certain. All it takes is a small group of people buying up the majority of the cheap(er) stamps now released on the market for the prices to go back to their previous point fairly quick and potentially even beyond it.

  4. So now that some expensive stamps prices drop down somewhat, I fully intend to get as much as I can. Only I wonder would it be better (money-wise) to buy loads of toys and hope to get the stamps or should I just buy the stamps and sell the hundred of ex-cheap toys in my scb?


    Is there a list somewhere that tell which item people have been getting from the event?

    Are there any items that get cheaper apart from the stamps?

    I don't think there is an active list out, no. However, from what I have seen (though I do not donate in the r90+ range, except for a handful in the beginning before the prices of those toys inflated that much, so I don't get r90+ items), stamps are relatively uncommon in the prizes. I don't know how common they are in the r90+ range, but in my mixture of donations (about 60% in the r80-89 range, the other 40% spread roughly equal over r70-79 and r69-and-below), I would estimate that stamps account for roughly 2.5-4% of my prices, and even then a good many of them are hardly worth a thing. So if you're specifically going in it for the stamps, you're probably better off buying those stamps, at least assuming you have some r90+ toys in your sdb.


    As to other items getting cheaper, yes. Just about anything below rarity 100 that is neither toy nor required for the adopt-a-neopian is dropping by at least

    a little bit. Books in particular are dropping a fair bit for now, if I compare SW prices with JellyNeo estimates, with most books up to 10k having dropped roughly .5-2k and many books above 10k having dropped anywhere from 1k to 20k. Not sure how much the unbuyables are dropping, since I don't come across those a lot.


    A fair few wearables are deflating as well, though it depends a lot more from item to item there. Food prices are always somewhat unstable, so can't really say it there though I have seen several cases of deflation as well. (And a couple that actually went up, but I suspect that's simply people buying the new, cheap listings out so that only the old-and-expensive remain).


  5. I already made 200k selling Junk toys, can't believe people are doing this. You do realize r99 items are going to crash hard right?

    /shrug. I'm not exactly going for the r99 items. Making plenty of profit on the r60-r89 items, which tend to both be less risky, less crash-happy, involve a lot more one-use items (books, food) which means the supply gets straightened out sooner and have a basic investment cost in toys that is far lower.


    No doubt they'll still drop, but I don't exactly see the majority of books dropping below 250-400NP, and especially not in the long run. Which is what would need to happen for me to come out with a loss.

  6. It's rather annoying when websites like those report the site as being up. And you're sitting starting at the down page, thinking "I'm pretty sure it's not working..."

    Indeed. At least it helps when its a site like neopets that has several off-site forums about it, makes it easier to double-check if it isn't just you after all. Though with how things are going with neopets these days, there really is no reason to double-check. If you assume the issue is on their side, you're likely to be right at least 99% of the time ><

  7. Eh, I think it's more correct than the other one.

    With severe lag, sometimes the site is down for people.

    With severe lag, I don't get the 'this webpage is not availablething'

    Right now it's not even loading, and yet it's saying it's up.

    I had it tell me the site was down several times yesterday when with some difficulty I could navigate through. (Mind, the site also actually was down twice, but still...) Not the first time it does that, either. The other way around has also happened repeatedly to me--site being down for everyone but isitdownrightnow detecting it as being up--though not recently.


    Oh well, it's adequate enough, I suppose, just not perfect. (Not that any site ever is, anyway)

  8. You mean each day? I looked for the answers here but didn't see it.


    And I just figured it out after I posted LOL but thank you!


    AUGH. WENT TO GO BUY THE ITEM AND IT KEPT TELLING ME IT WASN'T FOUND. Yet I flipping bought it and didn't check my inventory so I bought too many pirate lip balms. If anyone wants one, I have two extra then.


    And I finally completed it. Got a book from it. :D

    Yeah, a bit like how the hidden candy cane from the advent calendar is in the same place for everyone (but different places each different day, of course).

    Ouch, sorry to hear you accidentally bought more of one item than you intended.


    I've gotten 3 books and 2 food items so far...


    Feeling a little let down/put out considering what everyone else seems to be getting. :(

    Don't be. A lot of what is granted is food and books. If you keep the costs per set-of-five/prize limited, you can still make profit on those well enough. Once in a while, a slightly more expensive book/food item or cheaper wearable shows up (5-15k range). The items worth a fair bit are somewhat rare, but still occur with some frequency (15-99k). Unbuyables are really rare. In 125, I haven't had one yet (though with a 89k stamp, I've come close once). Every now and then, you get an absolute worthless item (100NP or less), but that's not too common.


    Still, even though I am buying most toys, I am making profit. The few more expensive items do go a long way in that, sure, but scores of items that bring 500np to 4.5k each profit build up pretty fast as well. I estimate I currently have about 25-40k pumped into things in pure. Despite the majority of items not having sold yet, I already am up at least 100-120k in profit, and that's with several 35-55k items still waiting to sell.


    But it really is a lot of luck. I've had strings of unprofitable and barely profitable items, but I've also had a string where I got two stamps and two 35k+ books in the span of eight donations. Easy to start giving up during a bad string, but if you keep going, it tends to turn around again.

  9. It looks really suspicious for the number one donor to have given over 700 items already and the second most is in the 400s...


    I'm going to do a few donations I think but I doubt I'll go crazy over buying and giving to the event thing.


    Here's my tag:




    I'm bad at riddles so any help would be nice.

    Looks like everyone has the same riddle.


    "toffees. I like the hat-shaped ones" -> "Pirate Hat Toffees"

    "lip balm, but nothing pink, mind you" -> "Pirate Lip Balm"

    "new flag for my yard" -> "Outdoor Pirate Flag"

    "crisps: the black ones, if you please" -> "Pirate Potato Crisps"

    "Flotsam plushie, nice and piratey" -> "Pirate Flotsam Plushie".

  10. This is kinda fun!


    I'm not going bananas donating toys or anything as I usually discard by default, so I figure I've made up for it there. Don't really have any interest in getting R80 items (because lbr, the R90s are too inflated) so I'll just participate in the fun riddles.


    It's a cute way to clear up the servers of these dumb junk items.


    And TBH, I don't think you WANT to be on the top list because TNT wants hoarders to trash their stuff or Richie Riches to spend their moolah.

    Not that I'm quite on the top list (though if nr. 10 keeps hanging at 310 for a while, I might be there in a few hours), but so far I'm standing at about 90k profit while having sold only two of the items I have gotten so far. NP-only and having only done maybe four donations with items from my SDB, so if things keep going this way for me... XD


    (If I add the net worth of items I have yet to sell, and the cost of books I could now give my pet for free but normally would have had to pay for, I'm probably standing at around 250-300k profit)

  11. Blah, was going to keep playing for items, but the site seems to have gone completely dead for me. Here's hoping I'll be able to sell my prizes tomorrow!!!

    Site was down for a few minutes. Now it's back up. Dead-in-the-water, but back up.

    The kind of, "loads one in ten-twenty pages correctly if given several minutes"-back up.


    I feel like Neopets is staring at me, raising an eyebrow and muttering "Load pages? What would you want to do that for?". XD


    EDIT: WOW. It has improved! Now one in five pages actually loads within two minutes.


    (and it's a sad, sad day when that does actually count as improvement)

  12. strangely my first item was an ub so i sold it quick smart for 250k even tho its last known price was 1 mil. no way am i risking that price drop ! if you want some high rarity plushies to either sell or use to donate i suggest fighting Harry the mutant moehog :)

    Nice! Smart of you to sell it quickly, especially as the drop-rates of the various items aren't exactly known yet and for all you know the price may indeed drop badly.


    I'm thinking of kicking up my "acceptable" price-range to 500np per set. Just ran a bit of a calculation around things and assuming that the items granted by the Charity Corner don't drop by more than, oh, 75% or so, even 500np per set should give a fair profit (and a lot less of a hassle buying stuff).

  13. No UBs for me yet, though a few five-figure items so far. Mostly a lot of prizes in the 500-2k range, with a couple of lowballs, three or four prizes on which I made an actual loss, and a handful of items each in the 2-20k and 20k+ range.


    Beyond my actual spares, I'm currently keeping my SDB intact. Just buying whatever is still "cheap" to buy. (~50np an item, ~75np an item for the ranges that are harder to find affordable items for. Though I go more for that as an average per set. I don't mind buying a 100np item if I got the other four for 10np each. :P)

  14. some previously 1np plushies are already inflated to 10k ! thanks a lot , TNT !!! & what did i get in return ? a Splime Chia Pop worth 200NP. Thx but no Thx i'm not taking part in this fiasco again. I donated cuz I thought there might be an avatar. Another event made for people with stuffed SDB's .. there's no way i can donate 300 times

    Yeah, inflation on some of the items is going pretty fast.

    If you decide you do want to take part, just hop items the moment the price rises above a certain amount. That, and a lot of people who sell one toy have a fair few others in their shop. Just buy anything not too ridiculously overpriced.


    So far I'm managing to stay under 200-250np costs per five-item-donation (and often a fair lot under it on the lower rarity sets) because I hop items a lot. Almost every item I have gotten in return is worth either at least about that much or a fair bit more, though I have had a handful of items that were worth less than the toys pre-inflation.

  15. And I got both my first stamp and card within the past ten minutes!

    Card is a pretty common one, or at least, not worth particularly much (~1.5-1.8k, I think), Stamp isn't a r99, but I sure won't say no against r87 65-70k stamps either.


    EDIT: Well, 65-70k a few days ago. Suspect I'm not the only one who got it, as it has dropped to about 47-50k. Still not complaining. XD

  16. So I guess the moral of the story is I should have chosen the toys and not the tree tag. Darn. I like getting wearables.


    Anyone know if there have been reports of wearables or toys or anything besides food from the tags? I got Island Sandies, if that helps.

    You can do both, y'know.


    And I think everyone got the same riddle and the same prize.

  17. Several users have already gotten r99 stamps from this daily.



    Time for stamp hunting (:

    Haven't gotten a r99 stamp yet, but got an approx 50-55k book and a wearable worth a similar amount so far. (That, and two 300np or so grooming items, a 2k book, a 5k wearable and a whole bunch of food ranging from 100np to 6k)

  18. UPDATE TO RANGES I stated above, bold are changed/new ranges:


    ??-69. May have a division in there somewhere, don't know. If there is, it must be below 50, as a Yellow Lupe Plushie can go together with, say, Red Korbat Keyring.





    Pretty sure something has been changed by TNT, because I could have sworn that the combo I just put in was accepted earlier.

  19. Pattern so far seems to be mostly (wholly?) food items as rewards for donations in the rarity range of up to 69 and mostly wearables (though I also got a clothing-themed island merchandise item) for the 90+ range. Only have one donation in the 70-89 range so far, which was a grooming item, but that seems to be a bit little to base a pattern on.


    EDIT: +1 grooming item in the up-to-69 range, so it's not wholly food.

  20. Some regular keychains work but the keychains from the Obelisk War Prize Shop don't, despite being labeled as toys. I thought I could be smart and get a few thousand of those to donate, but I guess TNT got the best of me.

    Aren't those above rarity 100/special item? If so, that makes sense since none of the other special items (Ripped moehog plushie, toys from the advent calendar, etc.) are accepted either.

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