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Everything posted by fishstick013

  1. Hi friend! What a kind giveaway. If still available, I'd be interested in Gathering in the Glade Background, Retro Arcade Background, or Scalloped Treat Display Case, please, in order of preference. Thanks a ton for your consideration.
  2. If we're taking a poll, I vote either 1 or 2! These are excellent.
  3. Are you gifting or trading the pink cape?
  4. That outfit is unbelievably cute, and I'm so sad it's species-specific lol.
  5. Wise Old KingKing Hagan listens contently to your words of wisdom..."Never trust royal Skeith," you exclaim cleverly.He ponders all that you have said. It seems he is not displeased. That's good. King Hagan Says: Well you're not the sharpest tack in the drawer, but that wasn't too bad. I give you a B! (615 out of 1000) Here is something to help you study. King Hagan hands you: Brightvale Maps He also gives you 84 Neopoints! He liked it more today. Maybe because it's Friday? That would be the best ever. xD
  6. Wise Old KingKing Hagan listens contently to your words of wisdom..."Never trust royal Skeith," you utter thoughtfully.He ponders all that you have said. Erm... have you been keeping up with your reading? King Hagan Says: That didn't make any sense at all. Preposterous! If I could go lower than an F-, I would. (234 out of 1000) You best be on your way before he calls the Castle Tutor. Hahaha, reminded myself of doing this and posting here so I thought I'd try the same line again. HMMM. He hated it again.
  7. This paint job looks absolutely amazing. Huge fan. Yuge.
  8. "Never trust royal Skeith," you state astutely.He ponders all that you have said. Erm... have you been keeping up with your reading? King Hagan Says: That didn't make any sense at all. Preposterous! If I could go lower than an F-, I would. (294 out of 1000) Weeeelll, he didn't like that, that's for certain.
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