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Posts posted by teeniem55

  1. I just saw this post.  I hope all things are going well on your journey.  I just wanted to say, lose weight for you, no one else.  If you're comfortable at a certain weight, then you're confident.  It doesn't matter what you weigh if your insides don't match your outside.  Confidence and loving your self go a long way in attracting people in your life.  Love you, love your body, love the skin you're in. 

  2. If you have a smart phone download ghoul catchers.  For me it's an easy 50k per day.  I just play level 1 over and over again until I reach the limit.  Other than that I just sell everything I get from dailies or random events.  I stick everything that I receive as a rare item from contests and seasonal in my SDB and forget about it for a while.  Usually I'm able to sell that stuff for a nice sized profit.  I'll play solitaire, too.  Since the page is refreshing a lot, you tend to get more random events.  Lots of opportunity for bank errors in your favor and random goodies.  Also, don't forget to play the battle dome.  Codestones are always worth a good bit of money.

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