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Posts posted by kaybee92

  1. I probably have some form of IBD - either Crohns or ulcerative colitis. A while back I was having GI bleeding and I understand the tired/Iwanttolaydownanddie feeling from anemia but fortunately mine was temporary. Many hugs going your way, chronic diseases suck.


    To the person who said they had Meniere's - I have benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and it SUCKS! My episodes are recurring although not constant, and I know how scary the vertigo can be!

  2. I live in the southwestern side of the US and I always see signs for Menudo! I know whats in it and thats why I'm afraid to try it.. but it it does look good!

    It really does taste good, if it's prepared well. Bad/rushed menudo will at worst be greasy because it has to be brought to boil and then cooled back down multiple times so the grease congeals at the top and it can be taken off. It'll usually be served with bread, so you can use that to dip into the soup if you're scared to try the meat. Oh, and it usually has corn in it so you could fish that out. But the meat itself is soft and the taste can only be described as VERY umami. Think concentrated chicken. I personally only fish out the smoother pieces of meat because I don't like the texture of the other ones, but most of the meat is smooth on one side and "fluffy" on the other and IMO that's the most kid-friendly meat in it.


    Menudo goes from very mild to medium spicyness, so if you're not good with spicy just have it with a lot of bread :)

  3. The Oasis Runners stole an item sometime before the guild who bribed a guard.


    Of the guild that bribed a guard and the Pyramid Prowlers, one stole Pocket Chess and the other committed the theft at midnight.


    So the guild that bribed the guard couldn't have done it at midnight if you assume midnight is the earliest time. Which means Pyramid Prowlers did the theft at midnight and the guild who bribed the guard stole the Pocket chess.



    Or am I doing this completely wrong? I'm confuzzled. :mellow:

    Not necessarily? I JUST woke up from 4hr of sleep and I might regret this post. Just because you know the bribing guild did either the Pocket Chess or the midnight crime does not mean anything else,


    Or are you referring to a newer clue? All we know about midnight is that the Dagger Clan didn't commit the crime then, and the Pocket Chess was not stolen by the Sun Chasers or at midnight or at 2am.




    AND I just realized what you meant. Thanks, coffee!


    You are right in saying "the guild that bribed the guard couldn't have done it at midnight if you assume midnight is the earliest time."


    But I still don't get where you confirm that the PP went at midnight and the PC was stolen using bribery. I have 23xs on my grid btw.




    I'll just come back to this but I think I finally got what you mean - the connection between clues 2 and 5. And now I have 26xs and 2 checkmarks!

  4. I don't think it's a plot. It's likely just a fun way to introduce a Lost Desert revamp :)


    Hopefully we find out more stuff soon! The parchments retire next week so we're probably going to receive a lot more clues to help narrow it down :D

    I'm actually starting to fear that it'll be a "submit your guesses" kinda thing and you'll get points based on how close you were. That is, I don't think we're getting all the clues necessary to solve the grid.

  5. I'm Mexican, so I've eaten some things Americans wouldn't even touch haha.


    Most recently I've had grasshoppers...fried and eaten from a street vendor with 0 rules for sanitation.


    My favorite "weird" dish is menudo - spicy cow intestine soup. It's REALLY good, I promise! We used to have it every Sunday but now I just get it when I go see my horses early in the morning and dad wants to go have breakfast somewhere. It takes ~7 hr to prepare with the recipes used here, so it's not something my mom would ever make for us.



  6. Yeah, definitely consider allergies! There's nut, dairy (ie chocolate chips), and gluten - but of the three, nut is the most severe. So if you're making things from a mix make note of any nuts in the ingredients. Sometimes people with these allergies are good about asking but usually they'll just act like they don't want any until you go "they're nut-free!"


    My best friend is lactose intolerant (severely so) and has Celiac disease, so I always make at least one batch of something she can safely eat.

  7. You are most correct (assuming midnight is the earliest theft time)! I think some of the clues can be put together now to get a couple of maybes. We've gotten quite a few clues dealing with invisibility and I know I haven't properly gone over the order clues yet.

  8. I think the grids are the same for everyone because neopets fansites have the clues on their own websites.


    Do you guys think it's against the rules to share grids, and that's why people on the forums aren't doing it? Particularly this early in the puzzle I don't think it's super useful but I just thought about that and I don't want to get in trouble.


    ETA but then again it's not against the rules to share the answers to the Altador Plot or whatever so I think we're fine anyway.

  9. When I picked up baking I was in Sophomore year and had my own kitchen for the first time...so I'd just make random things and bring them to class. Cookies and brownies and muffins have a way of disappearing when you're around undergrads, so if you're in college that's always a good way to practice.

  10. Oooh, where, where? I looked at the boards and people seem to not be into sharing their Xs. Meanies. Someone claims to have 18 Xs but I'm 100% sure they're guessing at least the last two.


    I have nothing to do till I go back to school so this is going to destroy my packing abilities the next few days.

  11. 1. I didn't include the 5am check because I guessed there might still be like a 6am theft, but since we've discussed it now I'll remember why it's there. The other one, you're right about and I totally missed!


    2. Again, no check because I don't know if there'll be earlier times than midnight...but again, discussed so I can add it and change if necessary!

  12. kaleyrae123 - you do not get a neomail, you have to go see the princess and then there will be a link to click.


    I used the jellyneo grid and I have 9 red 'x' on it so far :)


    I have never been able to post a picture on here, it never works for me. I would post my grid if it would let me.

    To get images to show up, use tinypic!


    I have 12 x's so far, but that is assuming that clues like "neither the guild that ___ nor the method ____ stole item ____" for example are referring to two different groups/thefts. I have zero credentials except that I used to do math olympiads and this kind of logic grid was a common sort of problem (some of you might have run across it as the problem with the guys in the colored houses, drinking different things, smoking different brands of cigars, with different pets)



  13. Hey guys, I'm at the point where I think it might be useful to start thinking about upgrading my weapons, mainly my healer. Here are my battle pet's stats


    Hit Points: 128

    Attack: 99 (working towards the next boost)

    Defence: 88


    My current set is:


    Gilded War Hammer

    Lesser Healing Scroll

    Leaf Shield

    Patched Magic Hat

    Scroll of Ultranova

    Snowager Sword

    Parasol of Unfortunate Demise

    Scroll of the Wise


    Any recommendations? I only play 1P BD for fun/events like the Obelisk. I've looked through the Battlepedia but I'm not 100% sure how many of the items in their suggested sets are overrated/how much the guides need updating since prices have changed.

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